This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

Ability CIC

Organisation detail

Long name Ability (Northants) CIC
Date registered 15 August 2024
Licence number
National Operator Code
  • ABNH

Timetables data Compliant

The service codes summarised here are registered with the OTC and are in scope of BODS, but are not yet published in a complete and accurate way.

Please download the detailed export for more information on the compliance data relating to each service.

Please contact the service desk if you have any questions or require any support.

0 Total in scope/in season
registered services
0% Services requiring attention

Location data

The AVL to Timetables feed matching is a weekly score of a published data feed. Daily random samples of data packets are collected for each published feed to be matched and then collated together to create a weekly report along with a weekly associated summary score for that report. This is usually done on Monday every week.

This is the latest matching score for this feed.

Please note that BODS doesn't check every single packet of data but we do a random sampling throughout the day in order to determine these reports and scores.

Please download the report and work with your technology suppliers to provide the most accurate data so that download data consumers and eventually your bus passengers can benefit.


Weekly overall AVL to timetables matching score

0% Services requiring attention

Fares data

1 Data sets
12 Total number of fares products
0 Non-compliant


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