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Arriva UK Bus_High Wycombe_Leighton Buzzard_20230108_18

Overview of the available bus open data

Name Arriva UK Bus_High Wycombe_Leighton Buzzard_20230108_18
Data type Timetables data
Data set ID 11658
Description Routes and timetables for Arriva Beds & Bucks (ARBB) services
Arriva UK Bus Access all data uploaded by this publisher
TransXChange version 2.4
Data quality report

Data Quality Report

Beyond the usual validation check for the TransXChange 2.4 v1.1 PTI, BODS does additional checks to ascertain the quality of the data and assigns a subsequent score to the data set. More information on the data quality checks can be found here.

Data quality 90% RED
View data quality report
Last updated 15 Aug 2023 17:06 View change log

Review Service Numbers



Z - PF0000508:519

A - PF0000508:487

X33 - PF0000508:563

L6 - PF0000508:571

L5 - PF0000508:571

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L3 - PF0000508:570

L2 - PF0000508:572

L1 - PF0000508:569

X60 - PF0000508:516

33A - PF0000508:16

33A - PF0000508:563

9A - PF0000508:498

9A - PF0000508:471

8A - PF0000508:471

2A - PF0000508:466

9 - PF0000508:498

9 - PF0000508:471

2 - PF0000508:466

1 - PF0000508:534

1 - PF0000508:465

M6 - PF0000508:567

M5 - PF0000508:566

8E - PF0000508:471

3A - PF0000508:535

33 - PF0000508:16

33 - PF0000508:563

8 - PF0000508:471

7 - PF0000508:470

6 - PF0000508:512

5 - PF0000508:511

4 - PF0000508:534

4 - PF0000508:521

3 - PF0000508:535

757 - PF0000508:488

755 - PF0000508:488

80X - PF0000508:11

850 - PF0000508:11

800 - PF0000508:11

800 - PF0000508:552

48 - PF0000508:544

31 - PF0000508:366

31 - PF0000508:514

30 - PF0000508:513

37A - PF0000508:445

36S - PF0000508:13

36B - PF0000508:13

32A - PF0000508:12

31A - PF0000508:514

37 - PF0000508:13

36 - PF0000508:13

35 - PF0000508:13

32 - PF0000508:554

32 - PF0000508:12

321 - PF0000508:106

X8 - PF0000508:101

X30 - PF0000508:108

500 - PF0000508:497

300 - PF0000508:108

280 - PF0000508:101

250 - PF0000508:560

150 - PF0000508:32

F77 - PF0000508:517

F70 - PF0000508:517

838 - PF0000508:552

835 - PF0000508:551

829 - PF0000508:550

828 - PF0000508:550

823 - PF0000508:549

817 - PF0000508:548

812 - PF0000508:531

810 - PF0000508:552

802 - PF0000508:531

801 - PF0000508:546

28B - PF0000508:556

29 - PF0000508:553

28 - PF0000508:556

27 - PF0000508:69

25 - PF0000508:68

24 - PF0000508:68

23 - PF0000508:67

14 - PF0000508:62

13 - PF0000508:156

12 - PF0000508:531

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