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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0002307:317
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Doncaster Intc - Doncaster Intc
Journey Code 0726 0906 1006 1116 1222 1323 1503 1603 1703
Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange/A8

ATCO Code: 370010245
Street: Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange
Indicator: A8

07:26 09:06 10:06 11:16 12:22 13:23 15:03 16:03 17:03
North Bridge Road/Elwis Street

ATCO Code: 370046407
Street: North Bridge Road
Indicator: adj

07:27 09:07 10:07 11:17 12:23 13:24 15:04 16:04 17:04
Bentley Road/Hunt Lane

ATCO Code: 370040992
Street: Bentley Road
Indicator: opp

07:28 09:08 10:08 11:18 12:24 13:25 15:05 16:05 17:05
Bentley Road/Yarborough Terrace

ATCO Code: 370040009
Street: Bentley Road
Indicator: opp

07:29 09:09 10:09 11:19 12:25 13:26 15:06 16:06 17:06
Bentley Road/Kirkby Avenue

ATCO Code: 370045023
Street: Bentley Road
Indicator: adj

07:30 09:10 10:09 11:20 12:26 13:27 15:07 16:07 17:07
Haslemere Grove/Bentley Road

ATCO Code: 370046169
Street: Haslemere Grove
Indicator: adj

07:30 09:10 10:10 11:20 12:26 13:27 15:07 16:07 17:07
Queens Drive/Thorn Garth

ATCO Code: 370046170
Street: Queens Drive
Indicator: adj

07:31 09:11 10:11 11:21 12:27 13:28 15:08 16:08 17:08
Queens Drive/Rowan Garth

ATCO Code: 370046247
Street: Queens Drive
Indicator: adj

07:31 09:11 10:11 11:21 12:27 13:28 15:09 16:08 17:08
Watch House Lane/Washington Grove

ATCO Code: 370046172
Street: Watch House Lane
Indicator: opp

07:32 09:12 10:12 11:22 12:29 13:29 15:10 16:10 17:10
Kendal Road/Watch House Lane

ATCO Code: 370041131
Street: Kendal Road
Indicator: adj

07:33 09:13 10:13 11:23 12:29 13:30 15:10 16:10 17:10
Kendal Road/Pipering Lane

ATCO Code: 370046367
Street: Kendal Road
Indicator: on

07:33 09:13 10:13 11:23 12:29 13:30 15:10 16:10 17:10
Pipering Lane/Appleton Way

ATCO Code: 370046310
Street: Pipering Lane
Indicator: adj

07:33 09:13 10:14 11:24 12:30 13:31 15:11 16:11 17:11
Church Street/Jossey Lane

ATCO Code: 370046259
Street: Church Street
Indicator: adj

07:34 09:14 10:15 11:25 12:31 13:32 15:13 16:13 17:12
Chapel Street/High Street

ATCO Code: 370046257
Street: Chapel Street
Indicator: at

07:35 09:15 10:16 11:26 12:32 13:33 15:14 16:13 17:13
High Street/Central Avenue

ATCO Code: 370045369
Street: High Street
Indicator: opp

07:35 09:15 10:17 11:26 12:32 13:33 15:15 16:14 17:13
Arksey Lane/The Avenue

ATCO Code: 370045009
Street: Arksey Lane
Indicator: adj

07:36 09:16 10:18 11:27 12:33 13:34 15:16 16:15 17:14
Arksey Lane/Balfour Road

ATCO Code: 370040063
Street: Arksey Lane
Indicator: adj

07:36 09:16 10:18 11:27 12:33 13:34 15:16 16:15 17:14
Arksey Lane/Stocksbridge Lane

ATCO Code: 370040064
Street: Arksey Lane
Indicator: nr

07:37 09:17 10:19 11:28 12:35 13:36 15:18 16:17 17:15
Station Road/Grosvenor Crescent

ATCO Code: 370040065
Street: Station Road
Indicator: opp

07:38 09:18 10:20 11:29 12:36 13:37 15:19 16:18 17:16
High Street/Station Road

ATCO Code: 370040066
Street: High Street
Indicator: adj

07:39 09:18 10:21 11:30 12:37 13:38 15:20 16:19 17:17
Marsh Lane/High Street

ATCO Code: 370045341
Street: Marsh Lane
Indicator: opp

07:40 09:20 10:23 11:31 12:38 13:39 15:21 16:20 17:18
Ings Way/Vicarage Way

ATCO Code: 370046435
Street: Ings Way
Indicator: adj

07:41 09:21 10:24 11:33 12:39 13:40 15:23 16:22 17:20
Brook Way/Ings Way

ATCO Code: 370046434
Street: Brook Way
Indicator: nr

07:43 09:23 10:25 11:34 12:41 13:42 15:24 16:23 17:21
Brook Way/Kenrock Close

ATCO Code: 370046433
Street: Brook Way
Indicator: nr

07:43 09:23 10:26 11:34 12:41 13:42 15:25 16:24 17:22
Brook Way/Ings Way

ATCO Code: 370046432
Street: Brook Way
Indicator: opp

07:44 09:24 10:27 11:35 12:42 13:43 15:25 16:24 17:23
Brook Way/Vicarage Way

ATCO Code: 370046436
Street: Brook Way
Indicator: nr

07:44 09:24 10:28 11:36 12:42 13:44 15:26 16:25 17:23
Station Road/Ings Lane

ATCO Code: 370045342
Street: Station Road
Indicator: adj

07:46 09:26 10:29 11:37 12:44 13:45 15:27 16:26 17:24
Station Road/Grosvenor Crescent

ATCO Code: 370045340
Street: Station Road
Indicator: adj

07:47 09:27 10:30 11:38 12:44 13:46 15:28 16:27 17:25
Station Road/Hemp Pits Road

ATCO Code: 370040067
Street: Station Road
Indicator: nr

07:48 09:28 10:32 11:40 12:47 13:47 15:29 16:28 17:26
Arksey Lane/Millfield Road

ATCO Code: 370040068
Street: Arksey Lane
Indicator: adj

07:49 09:29 10:33 11:41 12:48 13:48 15:30 16:29 17:27
Arksey Lane/High Street

ATCO Code: 370040069
Street: Arksey Lane
Indicator: adj

07:50 09:30 10:34 11:42 12:49 13:49 15:31 16:30 17:28
High Street/Central Avenue

ATCO Code: 370041004
Street: High Street
Indicator: adj

07:51 09:31 10:35 11:43 12:50 13:50 15:32 16:31 17:28
Chapel Street/Cooke Street

ATCO Code: 370046258
Street: Chapel Street
Indicator: opp

07:51 09:32 10:36 11:44 12:50 13:51 15:33 16:32 17:29
Cooke Street/Chapel Street

ATCO Code: 370040819
Street: Cooke Street
Indicator: adj

07:52 09:32 10:36 11:44 12:51 13:51 15:34 16:32 17:29
Church Street/New Street

ATCO Code: 370046260
Street: Church Street
Indicator: opp

07:52 09:32 10:37 11:44 12:51 13:52 15:34 16:33 17:30
Pipering Lane/Appleton Way

ATCO Code: 370046311
Street: Pipering Lane
Indicator: opp

07:53 09:34 10:38 11:45 12:52 13:53 15:36 16:36 17:33
Kendal Road/Pipering Lane

ATCO Code: 370046366
Street: Kendal Road
Indicator: nr

07:54 09:34 10:38 11:46 12:53 13:53 15:36 16:36 17:33
Kendal Road/Watch House Lane

ATCO Code: 370045898
Street: Kendal Road
Indicator: at

07:54 09:35 10:39 11:46 12:53 13:54 15:37 16:37 17:34
Watch House Lane/Washington Grove

ATCO Code: 370046185
Street: Watch House Lane
Indicator: adj

07:55 09:35 10:39 11:47 12:54 13:54 15:37 16:37 17:34
Queens Drive/Rowan Garth

ATCO Code: 370040997
Street: Queens Drive
Indicator: opp

07:56 09:36 10:40 11:48 12:55 13:55 15:38 16:38 17:35
Queens Drive/Thorn Garth

ATCO Code: 370046192
Street: Queens Drive
Indicator: opp

07:57 09:37 10:41 11:48 12:55 13:56 15:39 16:39 17:36
Haslemere Grove/Lauder Road

ATCO Code: 370040995
Street: Haslemere Grove
Indicator: adj

07:58 09:37 10:42 11:49 12:56 13:57 15:39 16:39 17:36
Bentley Road/Earlston Drive

ATCO Code: 370045371
Street: Bentley Road
Indicator: opp

08:00 09:39 10:43 11:50 12:57 13:58 15:41 16:41 17:38
Bentley Road/Yarborough Terrace

ATCO Code: 370045026
Street: Bentley Road
Indicator: adj

08:01 09:40 10:44 11:51 12:58 13:59 15:42 16:41 17:38
Bentley Road/Hunt Lane

ATCO Code: 370040991
Street: Bentley Road
Indicator: adj

08:02 09:41 10:45 11:52 12:59 13:59 15:43 16:42 17:39
North Bridge Road/Marsh Gate

ATCO Code: 370040968
Street: North Bridge Road
Indicator: opp

08:03 09:42 10:46 11:53 13:00 14:01 15:44 16:43 17:40
North Bridge Road/Church Way

ATCO Code: 370046423
Street: North Bridge Road
Indicator: adj

08:05 09:43 10:47 11:54 13:01 14:02 15:45 16:45 17:41
Greyfriars Road/Church View

ATCO Code: 370046370
Street: Greyfriars Road
Indicator: adj

08:05 09:44 10:48 11:55 13:02 14:03 15:46 16:45 17:42
Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange/A12

ATCO Code: 370010249
Street: Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange
Indicator: A12

08:07 09:46 10:50 11:57 13:04 14:05 15:48 16:47 17:44

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