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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0003954:470
Current valid file(s)
Sept. 1, 2024 - No End Date

Sept. 1, 2024 - No End Date


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Hexham to Allenheads
Journey Code 9722 9724 9726 9728 9730 9732 9734
Railway Station

ATCO Code: 3100Y940641
Street: Station Road
Indicator: Stand B

- - - - - - 18:31
Bus Station

ATCO Code: 3100Y93963C
Street: Dene Avenue
Indicator: Stand C

06:56 09:16 11:16 13:16 15:36 17:36 18:33

ATCO Code: 3100Y938639
Street: Priestpopple
Indicator: westbound

06:56 09:16 11:16 13:16 15:36 17:36 18:33

ATCO Code: 3100Y935639
Street: B6531
Indicator: opp

06:57 09:17 11:17 13:17 15:37 17:37 18:34
Allendale Road

ATCO Code: 3100Y926636
Street: B6305
Indicator: westbound

06:59 09:19 11:19 13:19 15:39 17:39 18:36

ATCO Code: 3100Y917638
Street: B6305
Indicator: opp

07:01 09:21 11:21 13:21 15:41 17:41 18:38
Phone box

ATCO Code: 3100Y905639
Street: Shaws Lane
Indicator: opp

07:04 09:24 11:24 13:24 15:44 17:44 18:41

ATCO Code: 3100Y897631
Street: B6305
Indicator: W-bound

07:05 09:25 11:25 13:25 15:45 17:45 18:42
East Nubbock

ATCO Code: 3100Y895628
Street: B6305
Indicator: opp

07:05 09:25 11:25 13:25 15:45 17:45 18:42
West Nubbock

ATCO Code: 3100Y884618
Street: B6305
Indicator: W-bound

07:06 09:26 11:26 13:26 15:46 17:46 18:43
Hanging Stone

ATCO Code: 3100Y880617
Street: B6305
Indicator: W-bound

07:07 09:27 11:27 13:27 15:47 17:47 18:44

ATCO Code: 3100Y850612
Street: B6304
Indicator: W-bound

07:10 09:30 11:30 13:30 15:50 17:50 18:47

ATCO Code: 3100Y831608
Street: B6295
Indicator: S-bound

07:12 09:32 11:32 13:32 15:52 17:52 18:49
High Field Farm

ATCO Code: 3100Y829584
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:16 09:36 11:36 13:36 15:56 17:56 18:53
The Crown

ATCO Code: 3100Y828579
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:17 09:37 11:37 13:37 15:57 17:57 18:54
Batey's Terrace

ATCO Code: 3100Y828577
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:17 09:37 11:37 13:37 15:57 17:57 18:54
Catton Lane Foot

ATCO Code: 3100Y830573
Street: B6295
Indicator: S-bound

07:18 09:38 11:38 13:38 15:58 17:58 18:55
The Haining

ATCO Code: 3100Y835568
Street: B6303
Indicator: S-bound

07:19 09:39 11:39 13:39 15:59 17:59 18:56
Marden Lodge

ATCO Code: 3100Y836566
Street: B6303
Indicator: S-bound

07:19 09:39 11:39 13:39 15:59 17:59 18:56

ATCO Code: 3100Y840563
Street: B6303
Indicator: S-bound

07:20 09:40 11:40 13:40 16:00 18:00 18:57
Middle School

ATCO Code: 3100Y839559
Street: B6303
Indicator: nr

07:21 09:41 11:41 13:41 16:01 18:01 18:58
Thornley Gate

ATCO Code: 3100Y838615
Street: B6303
Indicator: opp

07:22 09:42 11:42 13:42 16:02 18:02 18:59
Wentworth Place

ATCO Code: 3100Y837556
Street: B6295
Indicator: S-bound

07:22 09:42 11:42 13:42 16:02 18:02 18:59

ATCO Code: 3100Y847524
Street: B6295
Indicator: adj

07:25 09:45 11:45 13:45 16:05 18:05 19:02
former Post Office

ATCO Code: 3100Y847522
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:28 09:48 11:48 13:48 16:08 18:08 19:05
Broad Gate

ATCO Code: 3100Y843515
Street: B6295
Indicator: S-bound

07:29 09:49 11:49 13:49 16:09 18:09 19:06
Sipton Terrace

ATCO Code: 3100Y849497
Street: B6295
Indicator: S-bound

07:31 09:51 11:51 13:51 16:11 18:11 19:08
Methodist Chapel

ATCO Code: 3100Y850489
Street: B6295
Indicator: nr

07:33 09:53 11:53 13:53 16:13 18:13 19:10

ATCO Code: 3100Y851489
Street: B6295
Indicator: adj

07:33 09:53 11:53 13:53 16:13 18:13 19:10
Low Shield

ATCO Code: 3100Y851487
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:33 09:53 11:53 13:53 16:13 18:13 19:10
White Hill Farm

ATCO Code: 3100Y851483
Street: B6295
Indicator: nr

07:34 09:54 11:54 13:54 16:14 18:14 19:11
Fell View

ATCO Code: 3100Y852478
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:34 09:54 11:54 13:54 16:14 18:14 19:11

ATCO Code: 3100Y852471
Street: B6295
Indicator: S-bound

07:35 09:55 11:55 13:55 16:15 18:15 19:12
Ropehaugh Cottages

ATCO Code: 3100Y852461
Street: C297
Indicator: opp

07:37 09:57 11:57 13:57 16:17 18:17 19:14

ATCO Code: 3100Y858456
Street: Street
Indicator: opp

07:38 09:58 11:58 13:58 16:18 18:18 19:15

ATCO Code: 3100Y859452
Street: Street
Indicator: opp

07:39 09:59 11:59 13:59 16:19 18:19 19:16
War Memorial

ATCO Code: 3100Y860455
Street: Unknown
Indicator: None

07:40 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:20 18:20 19:17
Inbound - Allenheads to Hexham
Journey Code 9723 9725 9729 9727 9731 9733 9735
War Memorial

ATCO Code: 3100Y860455
Street: Unknown
Indicator: None

07:43 10:03 12:03 14:03 16:23 18:23 19:23

ATCO Code: 3100Y859453
Street: Street
Indicator: o/s

07:43 10:03 12:03 14:03 16:23 18:23 19:23

ATCO Code: 3100Y857456
Street: Street
Indicator: nr

07:44 10:04 12:04 14:04 16:24 18:24 19:24
Ropehaugh Cottages

ATCO Code: 3100Y852462
Street: C297
Indicator: adj

07:45 10:05 12:05 14:05 16:25 18:25 19:25

ATCO Code: 3100Y851471
Street: B6295
Indicator: N-bound

07:47 10:07 12:07 14:07 16:27 18:27 19:27
Fell View

ATCO Code: 3100Y851478
Street: B6295
Indicator: adj

07:48 10:08 12:08 14:08 16:28 18:28 19:28
White Hill Farm

ATCO Code: 3100Y850483
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:48 10:08 12:08 14:08 16:28 18:28 19:28
Low Shield

ATCO Code: 3100Y851486
Street: B6295
Indicator: adj

07:49 10:09 12:09 14:09 16:29 18:29 19:29

ATCO Code: 3100Y849489
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:49 10:09 12:09 14:09 16:29 18:29 19:29
Methodist Chapel

ATCO Code: 3100Y850490
Street: B6295
Indicator: opp

07:50 10:10 12:10 14:10 16:30 18:30 19:30

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