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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PH0005031:209
Current valid file(s)
June 2, 2024 - No End Date


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Faringdon Fernham Road - Oxford Osney Island
Journey Code 501 503 505 507 509 511 513 515 517 519
Market Place

ATCO Code: 340000305MP
Street: Market Place
Indicator: on

06:17 06:47 07:17 07:47 08:17 08:37 08:57 09:17 09:37 09:57
Marlborough Street

ATCO Code: 340000305FE
Street: Marlborough Street
Indicator: SW-bound

06:17 06:47 07:17 07:47 08:17 08:37 08:57 09:17 09:37 09:57
Marlborough Gardens

ATCO Code: 340003213OPP
Street: Park Road
Indicator: opp

06:18 06:48 07:18 07:48 08:18 08:38 08:58 09:18 09:38 09:58
Butts Road

ATCO Code: 340003212OPP
Street: Park Road
Indicator: opp

06:18 06:48 07:18 07:48 08:18 08:38 08:58 09:18 09:38 09:58
Medical Centre

ATCO Code: 340003211OUT
Street: Park Road
Indicator: adj

06:19 06:49 07:19 07:49 08:19 08:39 08:59 09:19 09:39 09:59
Wadley Manor

ATCO Code: 340002012OPP
Street: A420
Indicator: opp

06:22 06:52 07:22 07:52 08:22 08:42 09:02 09:22 09:42 10:02
Littleworth Turn

ATCO Code: 340000479T
Street: A420
Indicator: o/s

06:23 06:53 07:23 07:53 08:23 08:43 09:03 09:23 09:43 10:03
Barcote Cottages

ATCO Code: 340003229OUT
Street: A420
Indicator: o/s

06:24 06:54 07:24 07:54 08:24 08:44 09:04 09:24 09:44 10:04
Carswell Lane

ATCO Code: 340003228CNR
Street: A420
Indicator: adj

06:25 06:55 07:25 07:55 08:25 08:45 09:05 09:25 09:45 10:05
Buckland Turn

ATCO Code: 340000146T
Street: A420
Indicator: adj

06:27 06:57 07:27 07:57 08:27 08:47 09:07 09:27 09:47 10:07
Inbound - Oxford Osney Island - Faringdon Market Place
Journey Code 502 504 506 508 510 512 514 516 518 520
Osney Island

ATCO Code: 340001093BSC
Street: Botley Road
Indicator: W-bound

07:15 07:45 08:15 08:45 09:15 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:55
Binsey Lane

ATCO Code: 340001094RCR
Street: Botley Road
Indicator: opp

07:15 07:45 08:15 08:45 09:15 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:55
Lamarsh Road

ATCO Code: 340001092CNR
Street: Botley Road
Indicator: adj

07:16 07:46 08:16 08:46 09:16 09:36 09:56 10:16 10:36 10:56
Seacourt Park and Ride

ATCO Code: 340001095OPP
Street: Botley Road
Indicator: opp

07:16 07:46 08:16 08:46 09:16 09:36 09:56 10:16 10:36 10:56
Minns Industrial Estate

ATCO Code: 340001091ENT
Street: West Way
Indicator: entrance

07:17 07:47 08:17 08:47 09:17 09:37 09:57 10:17 10:37 10:57
The Greyhound

ATCO Code: 340000092GI
Street: None
Indicator: opp

07:25 07:55 08:25 08:55 09:25 09:45 10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05
Parklands Manor

ATCO Code: 340003224OPP
Street: A420
Indicator: SW-bound

07:26 07:56 08:26 08:56 09:26 09:46 10:06 10:26 10:46 11:06
Appleton Turn

ATCO Code: 340001153SOU
Street: A420
Indicator: SW-bound

07:27 07:57 08:27 08:57 09:27 09:47 10:07 10:27 10:47 11:07
St Lawrences Church

ATCO Code: 340000766V
Street: A420
Indicator: opp

07:29 07:59 08:29 08:59 09:29 09:49 10:09 10:29 10:49 11:09
Piling Hill

ATCO Code: 340001152SOU
Street: A420
Indicator: SW-bound

07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:50 11:10
Digging Lane A420

ATCO Code: 340000331OPP
Street: A420
Indicator: W-bound

07:31 08:01 08:31 09:01 09:31 09:51 10:11 10:31 10:51 11:11
Petypher Gardens

ATCO Code: 340003041OPP
Street: A415
Indicator: opp

07:33 08:03 08:33 09:03 09:33 09:53 10:13 10:33 10:53 11:13
School Lane

ATCO Code: 340001146SCL
Street: Faringdon Road
Indicator: opp

07:33 08:03 08:33 09:03 09:33 09:53 10:13 10:33 10:53 11:13
Post Office

ATCO Code: 340001147OUT
Street: Faringdon Road
Indicator: o/s

07:34 08:04 08:34 09:04 09:34 09:54 10:14 10:34 10:54 11:14
Latton Close

ATCO Code: 340000691LC
Street: Faringdon Road
Indicator: adj

07:34 08:04 08:34 09:04 09:34 09:54 10:14 10:34 10:54 11:14
Beggars Lane

ATCO Code: 340003225OPP
Street: Faringdon Road
Indicator: opp

07:35 08:05 08:35 09:05 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:55 11:15
Spring Hill

ATCO Code: 340003226WES
Street: Spring Hill
Indicator: W-bound

07:35 08:05 08:35 09:05 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:55 11:15
Pusey Furze

ATCO Code: 340003227WES
Street: A420
Indicator: W-bound

07:39 08:09 08:39 09:09 09:39 09:59 10:19 10:39 10:59 11:19
Mollie's Diner

ATCO Code: 340000145SW
Street: A420
Indicator: SW-bound

07:40 08:10 08:40 09:10 09:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20
Buckland Turn

ATCO Code: 340000146OT
Street: A420
Indicator: opp

07:41 08:11 08:41 09:11 09:41 10:01 10:21 10:41 11:01 11:21
Carswell Lane

ATCO Code: 340003228OPP
Street: A420
Indicator: opp

07:43 08:13 08:43 09:13 09:43 10:03 10:23 10:43 11:03 11:23
Barcote Cottages

ATCO Code: 340003229OPP
Street: A420
Indicator: opp

07:44 08:14 08:44 09:14 09:44 10:04 10:24 10:44 11:04 11:24
Littleworth Turn

ATCO Code: 340000479PO
Street: A420
Indicator: opp

07:45 08:15 08:45 09:15 09:45 10:05 10:25 10:45 11:05 11:25
Wadley Manor

ATCO Code: 340002012WAD
Street: A420
Indicator: o/s

07:46 08:16 08:46 09:16 09:46 10:06 10:26 10:46 11:06 11:26
Medical Centre

ATCO Code: 340003211OPP
Street: Park Road
Indicator: opp

07:50 08:20 08:50 09:20 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30
Butts Road

ATCO Code: 340003212CNR
Street: Park Road
Indicator: adj

07:50 08:20 08:50 09:20 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30
Marlborough Gardens

ATCO Code: 340003213CNR
Street: Park Road
Indicator: nr

07:51 08:21 08:51 09:21 09:51 10:11 10:31 10:51 11:11 11:31
Station Road

ATCO Code: 340000304SR
Street: Station Road
Indicator: N-bound

07:51 08:21 08:51 09:21 09:51 10:11 10:31 10:51 11:11 11:31
Market Place

ATCO Code: 340000305MP
Street: Market Place
Indicator: on

07:52 08:22 08:52 09:22 09:52 10:12 10:32 10:52 11:12 11:32

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