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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0001747:17
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Clifton Moor Tesco - University Campus East
Journey Code 1346 1409 1432 1456 1518 1543 1608 1632 1654 1717
Clifton Moor Tesco

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00411
Street: Clifton Moor Gate
Indicator: None

13:46 14:09 14:32 14:56 15:18 15:43 16:08 16:32 16:54 17:17
Longwood Road

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00910
Street: Longwood Road
Indicator: o/s 14

13:46 14:09 14:32 14:56 15:18 15:43 16:08 16:32 16:54 17:17
Rivelin Way

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00911
Street: Rivelin Way
Indicator: o/s 28

13:47 14:10 14:33 14:57 15:19 15:44 16:09 16:33 16:55 17:18
Gouthwaith Close

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00913
Street: Oakdale Road
Indicator: adj

13:47 14:10 14:33 14:57 15:19 15:44 16:09 16:33 16:55 17:18
Lakeside Primary School

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00409
Street: Oakdale Road
Indicator: o/s

13:48 14:11 14:34 14:58 15:20 15:45 16:10 16:34 16:56 17:19
Rishworth Grove

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00804
Street: Oakdale Road
Indicator: opp

13:48 14:11 14:34 14:58 15:20 15:45 16:10 16:34 16:56 17:19
Tower Court

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00406
Street: Oakdale Road
Indicator: adj

13:49 14:12 14:35 14:59 15:21 15:46 16:11 16:35 16:57 17:20
Caravan Site

ATCO Code: 3290YYA01084
Street: Water Lane
Indicator: None

13:51 14:14 14:37 15:01 15:23 15:48 16:13 16:37 16:59 17:21
Victoria Farm

ATCO Code: 3290YYA01573
Street: Water Lane
Indicator: opp

13:52 14:15 14:38 15:02 15:23 15:48 16:13 16:37 16:59 17:22
Rawcliffe Drive

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00898
Street: Water Lane
Indicator: opp

13:53 14:16 14:39 15:03 15:25 15:50 16:15 16:39 17:01 17:23
Inbound - University Campus East - Clifton Moor Tesco
Journey Code 0545 0615 0645 0715 0745 0815 0849 0913 0937 1002
Campus East Interchange

ATCO Code: 3290YYA03608
Street: Transport Interchange
Indicator: None

05:45 06:15 06:45 07:15 07:45 08:15 08:49 09:13 09:37 10:02
Deramore Drive

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00269
Street: Field Lane
Indicator: adj

05:45 06:15 06:45 07:15 07:45 08:15 08:49 09:13 09:37 10:02

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00838
Street: Hull Road
Indicator: None

05:46 06:16 06:46 07:16 07:46 08:16 08:50 09:14 09:38 10:03
Redbarn Drive

ATCO Code: 3290YYA01016
Street: Osbaldwick Link Road
Indicator: None

05:47 06:17 06:47 07:17 07:47 08:17 08:51 09:15 09:39 10:04
Osbaldwick Link Road

ATCO Code: 3290YYB01549
Street: Osbaldwick Link Road
Indicator: None

05:47 06:17 06:47 07:17 07:47 08:17 08:51 09:15 09:39 10:04
St Thomas's Church

ATCO Code: 3290YYA01013
Street: Murton Way
Indicator: None

05:48 06:18 06:48 07:18 07:48 08:18 08:52 09:16 09:40 10:05
Playing Fields

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00306
Street: Osbaldwick Lane
Indicator: None

05:48 06:19 06:49 07:19 07:49 08:19 08:53 09:17 09:41 10:06
Moorlands Close

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00304
Street: Osbaldwick Lane
Indicator: adj

05:49 06:19 06:49 07:19 07:49 08:19 08:53 09:17 09:41 10:07
Moore Avenue

ATCO Code: 3290YYA00303
Street: Osbaldwick Lane
Indicator: opp

05:50 06:20 06:50 07:20 07:50 08:20 08:54 09:18 09:42 10:08
Osbaldwick Lane End

ATCO Code: 3290YYA01014
Street: Osbaldwick Lane
Indicator: o/s 14

05:50 06:20 06:50 07:20 07:50 08:21 08:55 09:19 09:43 10:08

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