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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PD0000003:155
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Hanley, Bus Stn [L] - Bid'lph, Wharf Rd
Journey Code 0641 0801 0911 1021 1131 1241 1351 1501 1611 1722
Bus Station

ATCO Code: 3890D000112
Street: Bus Station
Indicator: stand L

06:41 07:55 09:10 10:31 11:31 12:41 14:01 15:01 16:10 17:30
stop B 1

ATCO Code: 3890D000701
Street: Bethesda Street
Indicator: adj

06:42 07:56 09:11 10:32 11:32 12:42 14:02 15:02 16:11 17:31
stop S2

ATCO Code: 3890D000202
Street: Stafford Street
Indicator: adj

06:44 07:58 09:13 10:34 11:35 12:45 14:05 15:05 16:14 17:34
stop Q1

ATCO Code: 3890D034701
Street: Quadrant Road
Indicator: adj

06:44 07:59 09:13 10:34 11:35 12:45 14:05 15:06 16:15 17:35
Old Town Road

ATCO Code: 3890D060001
Street: Town Road
Indicator: opp

06:46 08:01 09:15 10:36 11:36 12:46 14:07 15:07 16:16 17:36
Plough Street

ATCO Code: 3890D060101
Street: Hulton Street
Indicator: opp

06:46 08:02 09:15 10:36 11:37 12:47 14:07 15:08 16:18 17:38
Cheshire Cheese

ATCO Code: 3890D060201
Street: Chell Street
Indicator: opp

06:47 08:03 09:16 10:37 11:38 12:48 14:08 15:10 16:19 17:39
Barthomley Road

ATCO Code: 3890D060301
Street: Chell Street
Indicator: opp

06:48 08:04 09:17 10:38 11:38 12:48 14:09 15:10 16:20 17:40
Sneyd Arms

ATCO Code: 3890D060401
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: opp

06:49 08:06 09:18 10:39 11:39 12:49 14:10 15:12 16:22 17:42
Richmond Avenue

ATCO Code: 3890D060501
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: opp

06:49 08:07 09:18 10:39 11:40 12:50 14:10 15:13 16:23 17:43
Inbound - Bid'lph, Wharf Rd - Hanley, Bus Stn (arr)
Journey Code 0633 0710 0740 0844 1011 1120 1230 1340 1455 1601
High Street

ATCO Code: 3800C815900
Street: Wharf Road
Indicator: adj

06:33 07:10 07:40 08:57 10:00 11:20 12:30 13:40 14:49 16:01
Warwick Street

ATCO Code: 3800C852202
Street: St Johns Road
Indicator: opp

06:35 07:12 07:42 09:00 10:02 11:22 12:32 13:42 14:52 16:03
William Avenue

ATCO Code: 3800C890501
Street: St Johns Road
Indicator: adj

06:36 07:13 07:43 09:01 10:03 11:23 12:33 13:43 14:53 16:04
Lord Street

ATCO Code: 3800C852601
Street: Church Road
Indicator: adj

06:37 07:14 07:44 - 10:04 11:24 12:34 13:44 - 16:05
The Barley Mow PH

ATCO Code: 3800C817100
Street: Church Road
Indicator: opp

06:37 07:14 07:44 - 10:04 11:24 12:34 13:44 - 16:05
Edgeley Road

ATCO Code: 3800C852802
Street: Church Road
Indicator: adj

06:38 07:15 07:45 - 10:05 11:25 12:35 13:45 - 16:06
Church Close

ATCO Code: 3800C801500
Street: Church Road
Indicator: opp

06:38 07:15 07:45 - 10:05 11:25 12:35 13:45 - 16:06
Mayfield Road

ATCO Code: 3800C892101
Street: Church Road
Indicator: by

06:38 07:15 07:45 - 10:05 11:25 12:35 13:45 - 16:06
Mayfield Road

ATCO Code: 3800C852402
Street: Woodland Street
Indicator: adj

06:39 07:16 07:46 - 10:06 11:26 12:36 13:46 - 16:07
Woodland Street

ATCO Code: 3800C801401
Street: Park Lane
Indicator: opp

06:39 07:17 07:47 - 10:07 11:27 12:37 13:46 - 16:07
James Bateman Middle School

ATCO Code: 3800C853302
Street: Park Lane
Indicator: opp

06:40 07:17 07:47 - 10:07 11:27 12:37 13:47 - 16:08
Knypersley First School

ATCO Code: 3800C862501
Street: Newpool Road
Indicator: adj

06:41 07:18 07:48 - 10:08 11:28 12:38 13:48 - 16:09
Lyneside Road

ATCO Code: 3800C892002
Street: Newpool Road
Indicator: nr

06:42 07:19 07:49 - 10:09 11:29 12:39 13:49 - 16:10
James Way

ATCO Code: 3800C862602
Street: Newpool Road
Indicator: adj

06:42 07:20 07:50 - 10:10 11:30 12:40 13:49 - 16:10
Lyndhurst Drive

ATCO Code: 3800C862702
Street: Tower Hill Road
Indicator: adj

06:43 07:21 07:51 - 10:11 11:31 12:41 13:50 - 16:11
Stile Close

ATCO Code: 3800C862802
Street: Tower Hill Road
Indicator: adj

06:44 07:21 07:51 - 10:11 11:31 12:41 13:51 - 16:12
Post Office

ATCO Code: 3800C803600
Street: Brown Lees Road
Indicator: adj

06:44 07:22 07:52 - 10:12 11:32 12:42 13:51 - 16:12
Lyneside Road

ATCO Code: 3800C862901
Street: Brown Lees Road
Indicator: adj

06:45 07:23 07:53 - 10:12 11:33 12:43 13:52 - 16:13
Nelson Inn

ATCO Code: 3800C862401
Street: Brown Lees Road
Indicator: opp

06:45 07:23 07:53 - 10:13 11:33 12:43 13:52 - 16:13
Forge Way

ATCO Code: 3800C863002
Street: Brown Lees Road
Indicator: adj

06:45 07:23 07:53 - 10:13 11:33 12:43 13:52 - 16:14
William Avenue

ATCO Code: 3800C890500
Street: St Johns Road
Indicator: opp

- - - 09:02 - - - - 14:54 -
Warwick Street

ATCO Code: 3800C852201
Street: St Johns Road
Indicator: adj

- - - 09:03 - - - - 14:55 -
Coronation Avenue

ATCO Code: 3800C817402
Street: Tunstall Road
Indicator: opp

- - - 09:06 - - - - 14:57 -
Brown Lees Industrial Estate

ATCO Code: 3800C850901
Street: Tunstall Road
Indicator: opp

- - - 09:07 - - - - 14:59 -
Brown Lees Road

ATCO Code: 3800C850002
Street: Tunstall Road
Indicator: opp

- - - 09:08 - - - - 15:00 -
Childerplay Road

ATCO Code: 3800C863102
Street: Tunstall Road
Indicator: adj

06:46 07:24 07:54 09:09 10:14 11:34 12:44 13:53 15:01 16:15
Bemersley Road

ATCO Code: 3800C825801
Street: Tunstall Road
Indicator: adj

06:47 07:25 07:55 09:10 10:14 11:35 12:45 13:54 15:01 16:15
New Black Bull

ATCO Code: 3890D062702
Street: Outclough Road
Indicator: opp

06:47 07:25 07:55 09:11 10:15 11:35 12:45 13:54 15:02 16:16
Finch Street

ATCO Code: 3890D062602
Street: Outclough Road
Indicator: adj

06:48 07:26 07:56 09:12 10:15 11:36 12:46 13:55 15:03 16:16
Peck Mill Lane

ATCO Code: 3890D062502
Street: Outclough Road
Indicator: adj

06:48 07:26 07:56 09:12 10:15 11:36 12:46 13:55 15:03 16:17
Hollington Drive

ATCO Code: 3890D062302
Street: Biddulph Road
Indicator: opp

06:50 07:28 07:58 09:15 10:17 11:38 12:48 13:57 15:06 16:19
Oxford Road

ATCO Code: 3890D062202
Street: Biddulph Road
Indicator: adj

06:51 07:29 07:59 09:16 10:18 11:39 12:49 13:58 15:07 16:20
Biddulph Road

ATCO Code: 3890D062102
Street: Biddulph Road
Indicator: adj

06:51 07:30 08:00 09:17 10:18 11:39 12:49 13:58 15:07 16:21
Biddulph Road

ATCO Code: 3890D062002
Street: Biddulph Road
Indicator: adj

06:52 07:31 08:01 09:18 10:19 11:40 12:50 13:59 15:08 16:21
Fegg Hayes Road

ATCO Code: 3890D061902
Street: Biddulph Road
Indicator: adj

06:53 07:32 08:02 09:19 10:20 11:40 12:51 14:00 15:09 16:22
Beswick Road

ATCO Code: 3890D061802
Street: High Lane
Indicator: opp

06:53 07:33 08:03 09:20 10:20 11:41 12:51 14:00 15:09 16:23
Stoneleigh Road

ATCO Code: 3890D061702
Street: High Lane
Indicator: opp

06:54 07:34 08:04 09:21 10:21 11:41 12:52 14:01 15:10 16:24
Sprink Bank Road

ATCO Code: 3890D061602
Street: High Lane
Indicator: adj

06:55 07:35 08:05 09:22 10:22 11:42 12:53 14:02 15:11 16:25
Burslem Golf Club

ATCO Code: 3890D061502
Street: High Lane
Indicator: adj

06:56 07:37 08:07 09:23 10:23 11:43 12:54 14:03 15:12 16:26
Eastwood Avenue

ATCO Code: 3890D061402
Street: High Lane
Indicator: adj

06:57 07:37 08:07 09:24 10:24 11:44 12:55 14:03 15:13 16:27
Greenbank Road

ATCO Code: 3890D061302
Street: High Lane
Indicator: opp

06:57 07:38 08:08 09:24 10:24 11:44 12:55 14:04 15:13 16:27
Haywood Hospital

ATCO Code: 3890D061202
Street: High Lane
Indicator: opp

06:59 07:39 08:09 09:26 10:25 11:46 12:56 14:05 15:15 16:28
Oakville Avenue

ATCO Code: 3890D061102
Street: High Lane
Indicator: adj

06:59 07:40 08:10 09:26 10:26 11:46 12:57 14:05 15:15 16:29
Hamil Road

ATCO Code: 3890D061002
Street: High Lane
Indicator: opp

07:00 07:41 08:11 09:27 10:26 11:47 12:57 14:06 15:16 16:29
Dartmouth Street

ATCO Code: 3890D060902
Street: High Lane
Indicator: opp

07:01 07:42 08:12 09:28 10:27 11:48 12:58 14:07 15:17 16:30
Highbank Place

ATCO Code: 3890D060802
Street: High Lane
Indicator: adj

07:02 07:43 08:13 09:29 10:28 11:49 12:59 14:07 15:18 16:31

ATCO Code: 3890D018302
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: adj

07:03 07:44 08:14 09:30 10:29 11:50 13:00 14:08 15:19 16:32
Preston Street

ATCO Code: 3890D060702
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: adj

07:04 07:45 08:15 09:31 10:30 11:51 13:00 14:09 15:20 16:32
Robinson Avenue

ATCO Code: 3890D060602
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: adj

07:05 07:47 08:17 09:32 10:31 11:52 13:02 14:10 15:21 16:34
Richmond Avenue

ATCO Code: 3890D060502
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: adj

07:06 07:48 08:18 09:33 10:31 11:52 13:02 14:10 15:22 16:34
Buxton Street

ATCO Code: 3890D060402
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: adj

07:09 07:51 08:21 09:34 10:33 11:54 13:04 14:12 15:24 16:36
Barthomley Road

ATCO Code: 3890D060302
Street: Hanley Road
Indicator: adj

07:10 07:53 08:23 09:35 10:34 11:55 13:05 14:13 15:25 16:37
Cheshire Cheese

ATCO Code: 3890D060202
Street: Chell Street
Indicator: adj

07:12 07:55 08:25 09:36 10:36 11:57 13:06 14:15 15:26 16:38
Providence Square

ATCO Code: 3890D060102
Street: Hulton Street
Indicator: adj

07:12 07:56 08:26 09:37 10:36 11:57 13:07 14:15 15:27 16:39
Old Town Road

ATCO Code: 3890D060002
Street: Town Road
Indicator: adj

07:14 07:58 08:28 09:38 10:37 11:58 13:08 14:16 15:28 16:40
stop Q2

ATCO Code: 3890D034702
Street: Quadrant Road
Indicator: adj

07:16 08:01 08:31 09:40 10:39 12:00 13:09 14:18 15:30 16:41
stop S5

ATCO Code: 3890D000205
Street: Stafford Street
Indicator: adj

07:18 08:03 08:33 09:41 10:40 12:01 13:11 14:19 15:32 16:43
stop S7

ATCO Code: 3890D000302
Street: Stafford Street
Indicator: adj

07:19 08:04 08:34 09:42 10:41 12:02 13:11 14:20 15:32 16:43
Bus Station

ATCO Code: 3890D000100
Street: Bus Station
Indicator: arrival stop

07:20 08:06 08:36 09:43 10:42 12:03 13:12 14:21 15:34 16:44

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