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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0002307:10
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Lowedges, The Grennel Mower - Meadowhall Intc
Journey Code 0519W 0609W 0629W 0708W 0743W 0818W 0902W 0934W 1004W 1034W
Lowedges Road/Gresley Road

ATCO Code: 370020434
Street: Lowedges Road
Indicator: opp

05:19 06:09 06:29 07:08 07:43 08:17 09:02 09:34 10:04 10:34
Lowedges Road/Greenhill Parkway

ATCO Code: 370025431
Street: Lowedges Road
Indicator: nr

05:20 06:10 06:30 07:09 07:44 08:19 09:03 09:35 10:05 10:35
Bradway Road/Elwood Road

ATCO Code: 370025421
Street: Bradway Road
Indicator: adj

05:21 06:11 06:31 07:10 07:46 08:21 09:04 09:36 10:06 10:36
Hemper Lane/Beauchief Drive

ATCO Code: 370020424
Street: Hemper Lane
Indicator: adj

05:22 06:12 06:32 07:11 07:46 08:21 09:05 09:37 10:07 10:37
Hemper Lane/Hemper Grove

ATCO Code: 370020426
Street: Hemper Lane
Indicator: nr

05:22 06:12 06:32 07:11 07:47 08:22 09:06 09:38 10:08 10:38
Reney Avenue/Reney Drive

ATCO Code: 370020429
Street: Reney Avenue
Indicator: adj

05:23 06:13 06:33 07:12 07:48 08:23 09:06 09:38 10:08 10:38
Reney Avenue/Reney Road

ATCO Code: 370023850
Street: Reney Avenue
Indicator: nr

05:23 06:13 06:33 07:13 07:49 08:24 09:07 09:39 10:09 10:39
Reney Road/Bocking Lane

ATCO Code: 370021786
Street: Reney Road
Indicator: opp

05:24 06:14 06:34 07:13 07:50 08:25 09:08 09:40 10:10 10:40
Bocking Lane/Allenby Drive

ATCO Code: 370021787
Street: Bocking Lane
Indicator: opp

05:24 06:14 06:34 07:14 07:50 08:25 09:08 09:40 10:10 10:40
Bocking Lane/Thurstan Avenue

ATCO Code: 370021789
Street: Bocking Lane
Indicator: nr

05:25 06:15 06:35 07:14 07:51 08:26 09:09 09:41 10:11 10:41
Inbound - Tinsley, St Lawerance Rd - Lowedges, The Grennel Mower
Journey Code 0553W 0642W 0717W 0749W 0831W 0907W 0937W 1010W 1040W 1110W
Meadowhall Interchange/D3

ATCO Code: 370010214
Street: Meadowhall Interchange
Indicator: D3

05:53 06:42 07:17 07:49 08:31 09:07 09:37 10:10 10:40 11:10
Meadowhall Road/Meadowhall Way

ATCO Code: 370020996
Street: Meadowhall Road
Indicator: opp

05:54 06:43 07:19 07:51 08:33 09:09 09:39 10:12 10:42 11:12
Meadowhall Road/Jenkin Road

ATCO Code: 370020999
Street: Meadowhall Road
Indicator: nr

05:55 06:44 07:19 07:51 08:33 09:09 09:39 10:12 10:42 11:12
Jenkin Road/Holywell Road

ATCO Code: 370021001
Street: Jenkin Road
Indicator: nr

05:55 06:45 07:21 07:53 08:35 09:10 09:40 10:13 10:43 11:13
Tyler Street/Roman Ridge Road

ATCO Code: 370027611
Street: Tyler Street
Indicator: 27611

05:57 06:46 07:23 07:55 08:37 09:12 09:42 10:15 10:45 11:15
Barrow Road/Newman Road

ATCO Code: 370021020
Street: Barrow Road
Indicator: adj

05:59 06:48 07:26 07:58 08:40 09:15 09:45 10:18 10:48 11:18
Barrow Road/Fife Street

ATCO Code: 370021019
Street: Barrow Road
Indicator: before

05:59 06:49 07:26 07:58 08:40 09:15 09:45 10:18 10:48 11:18
Merton Lane/Fife Street

ATCO Code: 370021018
Street: Merton Lane
Indicator: after

06:00 06:49 07:27 07:59 08:41 09:16 09:46 10:19 10:49 11:19
Merton Lane/Newman Road

ATCO Code: 370021014
Street: Merton Lane
Indicator: at

06:01 06:50 07:28 08:00 08:42 09:17 09:47 10:20 10:50 11:20
Newman Road/Barkby Road

ATCO Code: 370021011
Street: Newman Road
Indicator: nr

06:01 06:51 07:29 08:01 08:43 09:18 09:48 10:21 10:51 11:21
Newman Road/Newman Drive

ATCO Code: 370021010
Street: Newman Road
Indicator: opp

06:02 06:52 07:30 08:02 08:44 09:18 09:48 10:21 10:51 11:21
Newman Road/Wincobank Avenue

ATCO Code: 370022002
Street: Newman Road
Indicator: nr

06:03 06:52 07:31 08:03 08:45 09:19 09:49 10:22 10:52 11:22
Wincobank Avenue/Hyacinth Road

ATCO Code: 370021991
Street: Wincobank Avenue
Indicator: nr

06:03 06:53 07:31 08:03 08:45 09:20 09:50 10:23 10:53 11:23
Wincobank Avenue/Bluebell Road

ATCO Code: 370021989
Street: Wincobank Avenue
Indicator: adj

06:04 06:53 07:32 08:04 08:46 09:21 09:51 10:24 10:54 11:24
Wincobank Avenue/Bracken Road

ATCO Code: 370021988
Street: Wincobank Avenue
Indicator: adj

06:04 06:54 07:33 08:05 08:47 09:22 09:52 10:25 10:55 11:25
Primrose Avenue/Foxglove Road

ATCO Code: 370021985
Street: Primrose Avenue
Indicator: adj

06:05 06:55 07:34 08:06 08:48 09:23 09:53 10:26 10:56 11:26
Primrose Avenue/Bellhouse Road

ATCO Code: 370021998
Street: Primrose Avenue
Indicator: nr

06:06 06:56 07:35 08:07 08:49 09:23 09:53 10:26 10:56 11:26
Bellhouse Road/Bevercotes Road

ATCO Code: 370027055
Street: Bellhouse Road
Indicator: adj

06:06 06:56 07:36 08:08 08:50 09:24 09:54 10:27 10:57 11:27
Sicey Avenue/Stubbin Lane

ATCO Code: 370020908
Street: Sicey Avenue
Indicator: at

06:07 06:57 07:37 08:09 08:51 09:25 09:55 10:28 10:58 11:28
Hucklow Road/Stubbin Lane

ATCO Code: 370027548
Street: Hucklow Road
Indicator: adj

06:07 06:57 07:38 08:10 08:52 09:25 09:55 10:28 10:58 11:28
Stubbin Lane/Tideswell Road

ATCO Code: 370020890
Street: Stubbin Lane
Indicator: opp

06:08 06:58 07:39 08:11 08:53 09:26 09:56 10:29 10:59 11:29
Stubbin Lane/Barnsley Road

ATCO Code: 370020892
Street: Stubbin Lane
Indicator: adj

06:08 06:59 07:40 08:12 08:54 09:27 09:57 10:30 11:00 11:30
Barnsley Road/Horninglow Road

ATCO Code: 370020893
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: opp

06:09 06:59 07:41 08:13 08:55 09:27 09:57 10:30 11:00 11:30
Barnsley Road/Horninglow Road

ATCO Code: 370020897
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: adj

06:10 07:01 07:43 08:15 08:57 09:29 09:59 10:32 11:02 11:32
Barnsley Road/Mortlake Road

ATCO Code: 370021047
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: adj

06:11 07:02 07:45 08:17 08:59 09:30 10:00 10:33 11:03 11:33
Barnsley Road/Idsworth Road

ATCO Code: 370021045
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: adj

06:12 07:03 07:45 08:17 08:59 09:31 10:01 10:34 11:04 11:34
Barnsley Road/Horndean Road

ATCO Code: 370023560
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: O/S

06:12 07:03 07:47 08:19 09:01 09:31 10:01 10:34 11:04 11:34
Barnsley Road/Osgathorpe Road

ATCO Code: 370020191
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: adj

06:13 07:05 07:49 08:21 09:03 09:33 10:03 10:36 11:06 11:36
Barnsley Road/Devon Road

ATCO Code: 370020177
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: adj

06:14 07:06 07:50 08:22 09:04 09:34 10:04 10:37 11:07 11:37
Barnsley Road/Firshill Close

ATCO Code: 370025213
Street: Barnsley Road
Indicator: adj

06:15 07:07 07:52 08:24 09:06 09:35 10:05 10:38 11:08 11:38
Burngreave Road/Toll Bar

ATCO Code: 370020211
Street: Burngreave Road
Indicator: adj

06:16 07:08 07:54 08:26 09:07 09:36 10:06 10:39 11:09 11:39
Burngreave Road/Melrose Road

ATCO Code: 370020209
Street: Burngreave Road
Indicator: adj

06:17 07:09 07:55 08:27 09:08 09:37 10:07 10:40 11:10 11:40
Burngreave Road/Burngreave Street

ATCO Code: 370023235
Street: Burngreave Road
Indicator: adj

06:18 07:11 07:56 08:28 09:10 09:39 10:09 10:42 11:12 11:42
Burngreave Road/Gower Street

ATCO Code: 370023473
Street: Burngreave Road
Indicator: nr

06:19 07:12 07:59 08:31 09:11 09:40 10:10 10:43 11:13 11:43
Spital Hill/Spital Street

ATCO Code: 370023172
Street: Spital Hill
Indicator: opp

06:20 07:14 08:00 08:32 09:13 09:42 10:12 10:45 11:15 11:45
Wicker/Blonk Street

ATCO Code: 370026733
Street: Wicker
Indicator: WK2

06:22 07:16 08:03 08:35 09:15 09:44 10:14 10:47 11:17 11:47

ATCO Code: 370022838
Street: Waingate
Indicator: CG17

06:22 07:17 08:04 08:36 09:16 09:45 10:15 10:48 11:18 11:48
Arundel Gate/Ag123

ATCO Code: 370027598
Street: Arundel Gate
Indicator: adj

06:24 07:19 08:07 08:39 09:18 09:47 10:17 10:50 11:20 11:50
Arundel Gate/Furnival Street

ATCO Code: 370023126
Street: Arundel Gate
Indicator: CS1

06:28 07:23 08:11 08:43 09:22 09:51 10:21 10:54 11:24 11:54
Furnival Gate/Matilda Way

ATCO Code: 370023139
Street: Furnival Gate
Indicator: MH2

06:28 07:24 08:12 08:44 09:23 09:52 10:22 10:55 11:25 11:55
Fitzwilliam Gate/Bishop Street

ATCO Code: 370022739
Street: Fitzwilliam Gate
Indicator: MF4

06:30 07:27 08:15 08:47 09:26 09:55 10:25 10:58 11:28 11:58
London Road/St Marys Gate

ATCO Code: 370023457
Street: London Road
Indicator: adj

06:32 07:29 08:17 08:49 09:28 09:57 10:27 11:00 11:30 12:00
London Road/Alderson Road

ATCO Code: 370023591
Street: London Road
Indicator: adj

06:33 07:31 08:19 08:51 09:30 09:59 10:29 11:02 11:32 12:02
Abbeydale Road/Batt Street

ATCO Code: 370023287
Street: Abbeydale Road
Indicator: adj

06:34 07:32 08:20 08:52 09:31 10:00 10:30 11:03 11:33 12:03
Abbeydale Road/Wolseley Road

ATCO Code: 370023730
Street: Abbeydale Road
Indicator: adj

06:35 07:33 08:21 08:53 09:32 10:01 10:31 11:04 11:34 12:04
Abbeydale Road/Chippinghouse Road

ATCO Code: 370021159
Street: Abbeydale Road
Indicator: adj

06:36 07:34 08:22 08:54 09:33 10:02 10:32 11:05 11:35 12:05
Abbeydale Road/Empire Road

ATCO Code: 370021115
Street: Abbeydale Road
Indicator: opp

06:37 07:36 08:24 08:56 09:35 10:04 10:34 11:07 11:37 12:07
Abbeydale Road/Leyburn Road

ATCO Code: 370021114
Street: Abbeydale Road
Indicator: Adj

06:38 07:37 08:25 08:57 09:36 10:05 10:35 11:08 11:38 12:08
Abbeydale Road/Marden Road

ATCO Code: 370021111
Street: Abbeydale Road
Indicator: opp

06:39 07:38 08:26 08:58 09:37 10:06 10:36 11:09 11:39 12:09
Abbeydale Road/Edgedale Road

ATCO Code: 370021110
Street: Abbeydale Road
Indicator: Opp

06:39 07:39 08:27 08:59 09:38 10:07 10:37 11:10 11:40 12:10
Woodseats Road/Athol Road

ATCO Code: 370021811
Street: Woodseats Road
Indicator: adj

06:41 07:41 08:29 09:01 09:40 10:09 10:39 11:12 11:42 12:12
Woodseats Road/Todwick Road

ATCO Code: 370021813
Street: Woodseats Road
Indicator: opp

06:42 07:42 08:30 09:02 09:41 10:10 10:40 11:13 11:43 12:14
Woodseats Road/Firbeck Road

ATCO Code: 370026722
Street: Woodseats Road
Indicator: opp

06:43 07:43 08:31 09:03 09:42 10:11 10:41 11:14 11:44 12:15
Woodseats Road/Chesterfield Road

ATCO Code: 370021816
Street: Woodseats Road
Indicator: at

06:44 07:44 08:32 09:04 09:43 10:12 10:42 11:15 11:45 12:16
Chesterfield Road/Nettleham Road

ATCO Code: 370021823
Street: Chesterfield Road
Indicator: at

06:44 07:44 08:32 09:04 09:43 10:12 10:42 11:15 11:45 12:16
Chesterfield Road/Olivet Road

ATCO Code: 370021444
Street: Chesterfield Road
Indicator: adj

06:45 07:45 08:33 09:05 09:44 10:13 10:43 11:16 11:46 12:17
Chesterfield Road/Cobnar Road

ATCO Code: 370021442
Street: Chesterfield Road
Indicator: adj

06:46 07:46 08:34 09:06 09:45 10:14 10:44 11:17 11:47 12:18
Chesterfield Road/Bromwich Road

ATCO Code: 370021440
Street: Chesterfield Road
Indicator: Opp

06:46 07:46 08:34 09:06 09:45 10:14 10:44 11:17 11:47 12:18
Abbey Lane/Linden Avenue

ATCO Code: 370021436
Street: Abbey Lane
Indicator: opp

06:47 07:47 08:35 09:07 09:46 10:15 10:45 11:18 11:48 12:19
Abbey Lane/Roxton Road

ATCO Code: 370021434
Street: Abbey Lane
Indicator: adj

06:47 07:47 08:35 09:07 09:46 10:15 10:45 11:18 11:48 12:20
Abbey Lane/Strelley Road

ATCO Code: 370021433
Street: Abbey Lane
Indicator: opp

06:47 07:48 08:36 09:08 09:47 10:16 10:46 11:19 11:49 12:20
Abbey Lane/Bocking Lane

ATCO Code: 370021463
Street: Abbey Lane
Indicator: opp

06:48 07:49 08:37 09:09 09:48 10:17 10:47 11:20 11:50 12:21
Bocking Lane/Greenhill Avenue

ATCO Code: 370026717
Street: Bocking Lane
Indicator: nr

06:49 07:50 08:38 09:10 09:49 10:18 10:48 11:21 11:51 12:22
Bocking Lane/Greenhill Avenue

ATCO Code: 370021792
Street: Bocking Lane
Indicator: adj

06:50 07:51 08:39 09:11 09:50 10:19 10:49 11:22 11:52 12:23
Bocking Lane/Thurstan Avenue

ATCO Code: 370021790
Street: Bocking Lane
Indicator: adj

06:50 07:51 08:39 09:11 09:50 10:19 10:49 11:22 11:52 12:24
Bocking Lane/Allenby Drive

ATCO Code: 370021788
Street: Bocking Lane
Indicator: adj

06:51 07:52 08:40 09:12 09:51 10:20 10:50 11:23 11:53 12:25
Reney Road/Bocking Lane

ATCO Code: 370021785
Street: Reney Road
Indicator: nr

06:51 07:52 08:40 09:12 09:51 10:20 10:50 11:23 11:53 12:25
Reney Avenue/Reney Road

ATCO Code: 370021783
Street: Reney Avenue
Indicator: adj

06:52 07:53 08:41 09:13 09:52 10:21 10:51 11:24 11:54 12:25
Reney Avenue/Reney Drive

ATCO Code: 370020430
Street: Reney Avenue
Indicator: opp

06:52 07:54 08:42 09:14 09:53 10:22 10:52 11:25 11:55 12:26
Reney Drive/Hemper Lane

ATCO Code: 370020427
Street: Reney Drive
Indicator: adj

06:53 07:54 08:42 09:14 09:53 10:22 10:52 11:25 11:55 12:27
Hemper Lane/Reney Drive

ATCO Code: 370020425
Street: Hemper Lane
Indicator: nr

06:53 07:55 08:43 09:15 09:54 10:23 10:53 11:26 11:56 12:27
Bradway Road/Fox Lane

ATCO Code: 370020423
Street: Bradway Road
Indicator: Adj

06:54 07:55 08:43 09:15 09:54 10:23 10:53 11:26 11:56 12:28
Bradway Road/Elwood Road

ATCO Code: 370020422
Street: Bradway Road
Indicator: opp

06:54 07:56 08:44 09:16 09:55 10:24 10:54 11:27 11:57 12:29
Lowedges Road/Atlantic Road

ATCO Code: 370020432
Street: Lowedges Road
Indicator: adj

06:55 07:57 08:45 09:17 09:56 10:25 10:55 11:28 11:58 12:30
Lowedges Road/Boland Road

ATCO Code: 370025433
Street: Lowedges Road
Indicator: opp

06:56 07:58 08:46 09:18 09:57 10:26 10:56 11:29 11:59 12:31
Lowedges Road/Gresley Road

ATCO Code: 370020434
Street: Lowedges Road
Indicator: opp

06:56 07:58 08:46 09:18 09:57 10:26 10:56 11:29 11:59 12:31

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