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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0000815:45
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Thorpe Lane - Fforde Grene Jct
Journey Code 0504 0524 0544 0606 0623 0643 0659 0711 0721 0732
Thorpe Lane

ATCO Code: 450011900
Street: Middleton Park Avenue
Indicator: None

05:04 05:24 05:44 06:06 06:23 06:43 06:59 07:11 07:21 07:32
Throstle Lane

ATCO Code: 450010013
Street: Middleton Park Avenue
Indicator: None

05:04 05:24 05:44 06:06 06:23 06:43 06:59 07:11 07:21 07:32
Sissons Lane

ATCO Code: 450010016
Street: Acre Road
Indicator: None

05:05 05:25 05:45 06:07 06:24 06:44 07:00 07:12 07:22 07:33
Bodmin Crescent

ATCO Code: 450010004
Street: Bodmin Crescent
Indicator: at

05:07 05:27 05:47 06:08 06:26 06:45 07:01 07:13 07:24 07:35
Helston Walk

ATCO Code: 450010003
Street: Bodmin Road
Indicator: None

05:08 05:28 05:48 06:09 06:27 06:46 07:02 07:15 07:25 07:36
Padstow Gardens

ATCO Code: 450010002
Street: Bodmin Road
Indicator: None

05:08 05:29 05:48 06:09 06:28 06:47 07:03 07:16 07:26 07:37
Helston Road

ATCO Code: 450010001
Street: Bodmin Road
Indicator: None

05:09 05:30 05:50 06:10 06:29 06:48 07:04 07:17 07:27 07:38
Beeston Pk Ring Rd

ATCO Code: 450012111
Street: Bodmin Road
Indicator: None

05:10 05:30 05:50 06:11 06:30 06:49 07:05 07:18 07:28 07:39
Parkwood Road

ATCO Code: 450011480
Street: Ring Road Beeston Park
Indicator: None

05:12 05:32 05:52 06:12 06:31 06:50 07:07 07:19 07:30 07:41
Tommy Wass Junction

ATCO Code: 450010052
Street: Dewsbury Road
Indicator: NE bound

05:13 05:34 05:54 06:14 06:33 06:52 07:09 07:21 07:32 07:43
Inbound - Roundhay Park - Thorpe Lane
Journey Code 0508 0528 0548 0605 0622 0640 0654 0703 0715 0727
Roundhay Park

ATCO Code: 450010946
Street: Prince's Avenue
Indicator: None

05:08 05:28 05:48 06:05 06:22 06:40 06:54 07:03 07:15 07:27
Park Lane

ATCO Code: 450013676
Street: Street Lane
Indicator: opp

05:08 05:28 05:48 06:05 06:22 06:40 06:54 07:03 07:15 07:27
Roman Avenue

ATCO Code: 450013677
Street: Street Lane
Indicator: after

05:09 05:29 05:49 06:06 06:23 06:41 06:55 07:04 07:16 07:28
Devonshire Avenue

ATCO Code: 450010972
Street: Street Lane
Indicator: None

05:10 05:29 05:49 06:06 06:23 06:42 06:56 07:05 07:17 07:29
Talbot Road

ATCO Code: 450010973
Street: Street Lane
Indicator: after

05:10 05:30 05:50 06:07 06:24 06:42 06:57 07:06 07:18 07:30
High Moor Drive

ATCO Code: 450010974
Street: Street Lane
Indicator: at

05:11 05:31 05:51 06:08 06:25 06:43 06:57 07:07 07:19 07:31
Bentcliffe Drive

ATCO Code: 450010975
Street: Street Lane
Indicator: opp

05:11 05:31 05:51 06:08 06:26 06:44 06:58 07:07 07:20 07:32
Moortown Corner D

ATCO Code: 450013606
Street: Harrogate Road
Indicator: None

05:12 05:32 05:52 06:10 06:27 06:45 06:59 07:09 07:21 07:33
Nunroyd Avenue

ATCO Code: 450010585
Street: Harrogate Road
Indicator: None

05:13 05:33 05:53 06:10 06:27 06:45 07:00 07:09 07:22 07:34
Kingsway Court

ATCO Code: 450010586
Street: Harrogate Road
Indicator: None

05:13 05:33 05:53 06:11 06:28 06:46 07:01 07:10 07:22 07:34

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