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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0000815:504
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Ireland Wood - Garforth Inverness Road
Journey Code 0525 0527 0555 0637 0724 0809 0853 0958 1046 1132
Ireland Wood

ATCO Code: 450010752
Street: Ireland Wood Terminus
Indicator: None

05:25 - 05:55 06:37 07:24 08:09 08:53 09:58 10:46 11:32
Raynel Gardens

ATCO Code: 450011538
Street: Raynel Drive
Indicator: None

05:25 - 05:55 06:37 07:25 08:10 08:53 09:58 10:46 11:32
Raynel Mount

ATCO Code: 450011535
Street: Raynel Mount
Indicator: on

05:25 - 05:56 06:38 07:26 08:11 08:55 09:59 10:47 11:33
St Pauls Church

ATCO Code: 450010751
Street: Raynel Drive
Indicator: None

05:26 - 05:57 06:39 07:27 08:12 08:56 10:00 10:48 11:34
Holy Name School

ATCO Code: 450011540
Street: Otley Old Road
Indicator: None

05:26 - 05:57 06:39 07:28 08:13 08:56 10:00 10:48 11:34
Iveson Road

ATCO Code: 450011546
Street: Iveson Approach
Indicator: opp

05:27 - 05:58 06:40 07:30 08:15 08:58 10:01 10:49 11:35
Iveson Crescent

ATCO Code: 450011541
Street: Iveson Approach
Indicator: None

05:28 - 05:59 06:41 07:31 08:16 08:59 10:02 10:50 11:36
Iveson School

ATCO Code: 450010747
Street: Iveson Drive
Indicator: at

05:29 - 06:00 06:42 07:32 08:17 09:00 10:02 10:51 11:37
Spen Lane

ATCO Code: 450010749
Street: Iveson Drive
Indicator: near

05:30 - 06:01 06:43 07:33 08:18 09:01 10:03 10:52 11:38
West Park Ring Road

ATCO Code: 450010750
Street: Spen Lane
Indicator: None

05:30 - 06:02 06:44 07:35 08:20 09:04 10:04 10:53 11:39
Inbound - Garforth Inverness Road - Ireland Wood
Journey Code 1250 1334 1412 1503 1551 1636 1725 1823 1916 1946
Inverness Road

ATCO Code: 450023829
Street: New Sturton Lane
Indicator: None

12:50 13:34 14:12 15:03 15:51 16:36 17:25 18:23 19:16 19:46
The Chase

ATCO Code: 450023966
Street: New Sturton Lane
Indicator: opp

12:50 13:34 14:12 15:03 15:51 16:36 17:25 18:23 19:16 19:46
Arundel Street

ATCO Code: 450023914
Street: New Sturton Lane
Indicator: opp

12:50 13:34 14:12 15:03 15:51 16:36 17:25 18:23 19:16 19:46
Ash Lane

ATCO Code: 450010199
Street: Aberford Road
Indicator: None

12:51 13:35 14:13 15:04 15:52 16:37 17:26 18:24 19:17 19:47
Saxton Court

ATCO Code: 450024145
Street: Aberford Road
Indicator: None

12:52 13:36 14:14 15:05 15:53 16:38 17:27 18:25 19:18 19:48
Garforth Town End

ATCO Code: 450011681
Street: Main Street
Indicator: S bound

12:54 13:37 14:16 15:07 15:55 16:40 17:29 18:27 19:19 19:49
Garforth Main St B

ATCO Code: 450010197
Street: Main Street
Indicator: at

12:55 13:39 14:17 15:08 15:56 16:41 17:30 18:28 19:20 19:50
Beech Grove Terrace

ATCO Code: 450011679
Street: Lidgett Lane
Indicator: None

12:56 13:39 14:18 15:09 15:57 16:42 17:31 18:29 19:21 19:51

ATCO Code: 450011678
Street: Lidgett Lane
Indicator: None

12:57 13:40 14:19 15:09 15:57 16:43 17:31 18:29 19:22 19:52
Garforth Academy

ATCO Code: 450011676
Street: Lidgett Lane
Indicator: None

12:57 13:41 14:21 15:11 15:59 16:44 17:34 18:32 19:22 19:52

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