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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0000815:911
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Bus Station stand A - Fagley
Journey Code 0801 0831 0850 0924 0947 1002 1022 1047 1105 1119
Brighouse Bus Stn A

ATCO Code: 450030120
Street: Brighouse Bus Station - Stand A
Indicator: None

08:01 08:31 08:50 09:24 09:47 10:02 10:22 10:47 11:05 11:19
Brighouse Tesco

ATCO Code: 450021223
Street: Bradford Road
Indicator: at

08:02 08:32 08:51 09:25 09:48 10:03 10:23 10:48 11:06 11:20
Bonegate Road

ATCO Code: 450021262
Street: Bonegate Road
Indicator: None

08:03 08:33 08:52 09:25 09:48 10:03 10:23 10:48 11:06 11:20
Waring Green Centre

ATCO Code: 450021263
Street: Garden Road
Indicator: opp

08:03 08:33 08:52 09:26 09:49 10:04 10:24 10:49 11:07 11:21
St Andrew's Infants

ATCO Code: 450021266
Street: Lightcliffe Road
Indicator: None

08:04 08:34 08:53 09:27 09:50 10:05 10:25 10:50 11:08 11:22
Brighouse Cemetery

ATCO Code: 450021268
Street: Lightcliffe Road
Indicator: S bound

08:05 08:35 08:54 09:27 09:50 10:06 10:26 10:51 11:09 11:23
Slead Avenue

ATCO Code: 450021258
Street: Smith House Lane
Indicator: None

08:05 08:35 08:54 09:28 09:51 10:07 10:27 10:52 11:09 11:23
Smith House Lane

ATCO Code: 450021256
Street: Smith House Lane
Indicator: N bound

08:06 08:36 08:55 09:29 09:52 10:07 10:27 10:52 11:10 11:24
Catherine Slack

ATCO Code: 450021248
Street: Smith House Lane
Indicator: at

08:07 08:37 08:56 09:29 09:52 10:08 10:28 10:53 11:10 11:24
Stoney Lane

ATCO Code: 450021247
Street: Stoney Lane
Indicator: on

08:07 08:37 08:56 09:29 09:52 10:08 10:28 10:53 11:11 11:25
Inbound - Fagley - Bus Station stand A
Journey Code 0742 0812 0841 0915 0941 0959 1013 1037 1057 1115
Fagley Terminus

ATCO Code: 450016857
Street: Fagley Road
Indicator: None

07:42 08:12 08:41 09:15 09:41 09:59 10:13 10:37 10:57 11:15
Frodingham Villas

ATCO Code: 450016855
Street: Fagley Road
Indicator: at

07:42 08:12 08:41 09:15 09:41 09:59 10:13 10:37 10:57 11:15
Falsgrave Avenue

ATCO Code: 450016852
Street: Fagley Road
Indicator: opp

07:42 08:12 08:41 09:15 09:41 09:59 10:13 10:37 10:57 11:15
St Clare's Church

ATCO Code: 450016850
Street: Fagley Road
Indicator: stop

07:43 08:13 08:42 09:16 09:42 10:00 10:14 10:38 10:58 11:16
St John's Centre

ATCO Code: 450016849
Street: Fagley Road
Indicator: at

07:44 08:14 08:43 09:17 09:43 10:01 10:15 10:39 10:59 11:17
Whitehead Place

ATCO Code: 450016847
Street: Fagley Road
Indicator: None

07:45 08:15 08:44 09:18 09:44 10:02 10:16 10:40 11:00 11:18
Bradford Moor Golf Course

ATCO Code: 450016845
Street: Pollard Lane
Indicator: None

07:46 08:16 08:45 09:19 09:45 10:03 10:17 10:41 11:01 11:19
Stoneleigh Road

ATCO Code: 450016842
Street: Pollard Lane
Indicator: opp

07:46 08:16 08:45 09:19 09:45 10:03 10:17 10:41 11:01 11:19
Undercliffe Cemetery South

ATCO Code: 450016841
Street: Undercliffe Lane
Indicator: opp

07:47 08:17 08:46 09:20 09:46 10:04 10:18 10:43 11:03 11:20
Carlton Bolling College

ATCO Code: 450016838
Street: Undercliffe Lane
Indicator: None

07:48 08:18 08:47 09:21 09:47 10:05 10:19 10:43 11:03 11:21
St Augustine's Church

ATCO Code: 450016824
Street: Otley Road
Indicator: None

07:49 08:19 08:48 09:22 09:48 10:06 10:20 10:44 11:04 11:22
Sycamore Close

ATCO Code: 450016825
Street: Otley Road
Indicator: None

07:50 08:20 08:49 09:23 09:49 10:07 10:21 10:45 11:05 11:23
Otley Rd Heap Lane

ATCO Code: 450016831
Street: Otley Road
Indicator: after

07:50 08:20 08:49 09:23 09:49 10:07 10:21 10:45 11:05 11:23
Upper Park Gate

ATCO Code: 450013579
Street: Church Bank
Indicator: None

07:53 08:23 08:52 09:26 09:52 10:10 10:24 10:48 11:08 11:26
Cathedral T

ATCO Code: 450023327
Street: Church Bank
Indicator: None

07:53 08:23 08:52 09:26 09:52 10:10 10:24 10:49 11:09 11:27
Little Germany Y

ATCO Code: 450032487
Street: Vicar Lane
Indicator: at

07:54 08:24 08:53 09:27 09:53 10:11 10:25 10:50 11:10 11:28
Hall Ings

ATCO Code: 450017590
Street: Hall Ings
Indicator: stop H11

- - - - - - - - - -
Hall Ings

ATCO Code: 450017590
Street: Hall Ings
Indicator: stop H11

07:59 08:29 08:58 09:32 09:58 10:16 10:30 10:54 11:14 11:32
Caledonia Street

ATCO Code: 450014594
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: None

08:05 08:35 09:04 09:38 10:04 10:22 10:36 11:00 11:20 11:38
Spring Mill Street

ATCO Code: 450014595
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: None

08:05 08:35 09:04 09:38 10:04 10:22 10:36 11:00 11:20 11:38
Bowling Old Lane

ATCO Code: 450014596
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: None

08:06 08:36 09:05 09:39 10:05 10:23 10:37 11:01 11:21 11:39
Manchester Road Lidl

ATCO Code: 450014597
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: None

08:06 08:36 09:05 09:39 10:05 10:23 10:37 11:01 11:21 11:39
Trident Way Bridge

ATCO Code: 450014598
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: None

08:07 08:37 09:06 09:39 10:05 10:23 10:37 11:02 11:22 11:40
Donisthorpe Street

ATCO Code: 450024858
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: opp

08:08 08:38 09:07 09:41 10:07 10:25 10:39 11:03 11:23 11:41
Parkside Road

ATCO Code: 450024859
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: opp

08:10 08:40 09:09 09:42 10:08 10:26 10:40 11:05 11:25 11:43
Mayo Avenue

ATCO Code: 450013802
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: at

08:12 08:42 09:11 09:44 10:10 10:28 10:42 11:07 11:27 11:45
Carr Bottom Road

ATCO Code: 450013803
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: opp

08:12 08:42 09:11 09:45 10:11 10:29 10:43 11:07 11:27 11:45
Sunny Bank Road

ATCO Code: 450013804
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: None

08:12 08:42 09:11 09:45 10:11 10:29 10:43 11:07 11:27 11:46
Odsal Top

ATCO Code: 450013805
Street: Manchester Road
Indicator: S bound

08:13 08:43 09:12 09:45 10:11 10:29 10:43 11:08 11:28 11:46
Odsal Fire Station

ATCO Code: 450014253
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: None

08:14 08:44 09:13 09:46 10:12 10:30 10:44 11:09 11:29 11:47
Sedburgh Fields

ATCO Code: 450014254
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: at

08:15 08:45 09:14 09:47 10:13 10:31 10:45 11:09 11:29 11:48
Netherlands Avenue

ATCO Code: 450014255
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: None

08:15 08:45 09:14 09:47 10:13 10:31 10:45 11:10 11:30 11:48
Common Road

ATCO Code: 450014256
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: None

08:16 08:46 09:15 09:48 10:14 10:32 10:46 11:11 11:31 11:49
Low Moor Medical Centre

ATCO Code: 450014257
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: at

08:16 08:46 09:15 09:49 10:15 10:33 10:47 11:11 11:31 11:49
The Gateways

ATCO Code: 450014259
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: None

08:17 08:47 09:16 09:49 10:15 10:33 10:47 11:12 11:32 11:50
Markfield Drive

ATCO Code: 450014261
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: None

08:18 08:48 09:17 09:50 10:16 10:34 10:48 11:12 11:32 11:50
Carr House Lane

ATCO Code: 450014263
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: None

08:18 08:48 09:17 09:51 10:17 10:35 10:49 11:13 11:33 11:51
Storrs Hill

ATCO Code: 450032089
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: at

08:19 08:49 09:18 09:51 10:17 10:35 10:49 11:13 11:33 11:52
Storrs Hill

ATCO Code: 450032089
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: at

- - - - - - - - - -
Wyke Community Centre

ATCO Code: 450014264
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: None

08:19 08:49 09:18 09:52 10:18 10:36 10:50 11:14 11:34 11:53
Wyke Park

ATCO Code: 450014252
Street: Town Gate
Indicator: None

08:20 08:50 09:19 09:53 10:19 10:37 10:51 11:15 11:35 11:53
Wyke Town Gate

ATCO Code: 450014250
Street: Town Gate
Indicator: None

08:21 08:51 09:20 09:54 10:20 10:38 10:52 11:16 11:36 11:54
Albert Street

ATCO Code: 450014248
Street: Town Gate
Indicator: opp

08:22 08:52 09:21 09:54 10:20 10:38 10:52 11:16 11:36 11:55
Wyke Village Green

ATCO Code: 450014247
Street: Griffe Road
Indicator: None

08:22 08:52 09:21 09:55 10:21 10:39 10:53 11:17 11:37 11:55
Blackstone Avenue

ATCO Code: 450014241
Street: Whitehall Avenue
Indicator: None

08:23 08:53 09:22 09:56 10:22 10:40 10:54 11:18 11:38 11:56
Whitehall Avenue Bottom

ATCO Code: 450014243
Street: Whitehall Avenue
Indicator: at

08:24 08:54 09:23 09:57 10:23 10:41 10:55 11:19 11:39 11:57
Cygnet Hospital

ATCO Code: 450014290
Street: Huddersfield Road
Indicator: at

08:25 08:55 09:24 09:58 10:24 10:42 10:56 11:20 11:40 11:59
Bailiff Bridge Fields

ATCO Code: 450014293
Street: Bradford Road
Indicator: None

08:26 08:56 09:25 09:59 10:25 10:43 10:57 11:21 11:41 12:00
Wyke Old Lane

ATCO Code: 450014295
Street: Bradford Road
Indicator: at

08:26 08:56 09:25 09:59 10:25 10:43 10:57 11:21 11:41 12:00
Bailiff Bridge

ATCO Code: 450014915
Street: Wakefield Road
Indicator: stop D

08:27 08:57 09:26 10:00 10:26 10:44 10:58 11:23 11:43 12:01
Smith House Lane

ATCO Code: 450014917
Street: Wakefield Road
Indicator: at

08:28 08:58 09:27 10:01 10:27 10:45 10:59 11:23 11:43 12:02
Laburnum Grove

ATCO Code: 450024879
Street: Smith House Lane
Indicator: None

08:29 08:59 09:28 10:02 10:28 10:46 11:00 11:24 11:44 12:03
Bentley Avenue

ATCO Code: 450024839
Street: Aysgarth Avenue
Indicator: None

08:30 09:00 09:29 10:03 10:29 10:47 11:01 11:25 11:45 12:03
Fairless Avenue

ATCO Code: 450021243
Street: Aysgarth Avenue
Indicator: None

08:30 09:00 09:29 10:03 10:29 10:47 11:01 11:25 11:45 12:04
Stoney Lane

ATCO Code: 450021246
Street: Stoney Lane
Indicator: None

08:31 09:01 09:30 10:04 10:30 10:48 11:02 11:26 11:46 12:05
Catherine Slack

ATCO Code: 450021249
Street: Smith House Lane
Indicator: opp

08:31 09:01 09:30 10:04 10:30 10:48 11:02 11:27 11:47 12:05
Smith House Lane

ATCO Code: 450021257
Street: Smith House Lane
Indicator: None

08:32 09:02 09:31 10:05 10:31 10:49 11:03 11:27 11:47 12:06
Slead Avenue

ATCO Code: 450021260
Street: Lightcliffe Road
Indicator: None

08:33 09:03 09:32 10:06 10:32 10:50 11:04 11:28 11:48 12:07
Brighouse Cemetery

ATCO Code: 450021267
Street: Lightcliffe Road
Indicator: None

08:33 09:03 09:32 10:06 10:32 10:50 11:04 11:29 11:49 12:07
St Andrew's Infants

ATCO Code: 450021265
Street: Garden Road
Indicator: None

08:34 09:04 09:33 10:07 10:33 10:51 11:05 11:29 11:49 12:08
Waring Green Centre

ATCO Code: 450021264
Street: Garden Road
Indicator: None

08:35 09:05 09:34 10:08 10:34 10:52 11:06 11:30 11:50 12:09
St Andrew's Juniors

ATCO Code: 450023529
Street: Waterloo Road
Indicator: None

08:36 09:06 09:35 10:09 10:35 10:53 11:07 11:31 11:51 12:09
Rydings Park

ATCO Code: 450022601
Street: Halifax Road
Indicator: at

08:37 09:07 09:36 10:10 10:36 10:54 11:08 11:32 11:52 12:10
Prospect Place

ATCO Code: 450022603
Street: Halifax Road
Indicator: None

08:37 09:07 09:36 10:11 10:37 10:55 11:09 11:33 11:53 12:11
Brighouse Bus Stn A

ATCO Code: 450030120
Street: Brighouse Bus Station - Stand A
Indicator: None

08:43 09:13 09:42 10:16 10:42 11:00 11:14 11:38 11:58 12:16

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