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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PF0000323:40
Current valid file(s)
Oct. 1, 2023 - No End Date


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - N&N University Hospital - Old Catton,Morrisons
Journey Code 22 26 28 32 34 38 40 44 46 50

ATCO Code: 2900C237
Street: Forecourt
Indicator: Stand A

08:22 09:05 09:25 10:05 10:25 11:05 11:25 12:05 12:25 13:05
John Innes Institute

ATCO Code: 2900C232
Street: Colney Lane
Indicator: adj

08:25 09:08 09:28 10:08 10:28 11:08 11:28 12:08 12:28 13:08

ATCO Code: 2900C231
Street: Watton Road
Indicator: adj

08:25 09:08 09:28 10:08 10:28 11:08 11:28 12:08 12:28 13:08
Old Watton Road

ATCO Code: 2900C2361
Street: Watton Road
Indicator: adj

08:26 09:09 09:29 10:09 10:29 11:09 11:29 12:09 12:29 13:09
Spire Norwich Hospital

ATCO Code: 2900C234
Street: Old Watton Road
Indicator: adj

08:27 09:10 09:30 10:10 10:30 11:10 11:30 12:10 12:30 13:10
Dodderman Way

ATCO Code: 2900N12599
Street: Three Score Road
Indicator: opp

08:28 09:11 09:31 10:11 10:31 11:11 11:31 12:11 12:31 13:11
Dow Close

ATCO Code: 2900N12748
Street: Three Score Road
Indicator: adj

08:29 09:12 09:32 10:12 10:32 11:12 11:32 12:12 12:32 13:12
Bladewater Road

ATCO Code: 2900N12721
Street: Three Score Road
Indicator: opp

08:29 09:12 09:32 10:12 10:32 11:12 11:32 12:12 12:32 13:12
Bishy Barnabee Way

ATCO Code: 2900N12601
Street: Chapel Break Road
Indicator: opp

08:30 09:13 09:33 10:13 10:33 11:13 11:33 12:13 12:33 13:13
Bendish Way

ATCO Code: 2900N12757
Street: Chapel Break Road
Indicator: opp

08:31 09:14 09:34 10:14 10:34 11:14 11:34 12:14 12:34 13:14
Inbound - Old Catton,Morrisons - N&N University Hospital
Journey Code 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Shopping Centre

ATCO Code: 2900C138
Street: The Paddocks
Indicator: adj

- - 06:06 06:36 06:56 07:10 07:30 07:50 08:07 08:27
The Paddocks

ATCO Code: 2900C1346
Street: The Paddocks
Indicator: o/s 72

- - 06:07 06:37 06:57 07:11 07:31 07:51 08:08 08:28
Lodge Lane First School

ATCO Code: 2900C1325
Street: Lodge Lane
Indicator: opp

- - 06:08 06:38 06:58 07:12 07:32 07:52 08:09 08:29
Priors Drive

ATCO Code: 2900C1327
Street: Lodge Lane
Indicator: adj

- - 06:08 06:38 06:58 07:13 07:33 07:53 08:10 08:30
Louis Close

ATCO Code: 2900C1329
Street: St Faiths Road
Indicator: opp

- - 06:09 06:39 06:59 07:14 07:34 07:54 08:11 08:31
Woodland Drive

ATCO Code: 2900C1331
Street: St Faiths Road
Indicator: adj

- - 06:10 06:40 07:00 07:15 07:35 07:55 08:12 08:32
Church Street

ATCO Code: 2900C1333
Street: St Faiths Road
Indicator: adj

- - 06:10 06:40 07:00 07:16 07:36 07:56 08:13 08:33
The Hall School

ATCO Code: 2900C1314
Street: St Faiths Road
Indicator: adj

- - 06:11 06:41 07:01 07:16 07:36 07:56 08:13 08:33
Bussey Road

ATCO Code: 2900N12167
Street: St Faiths Road
Indicator: opp

- - 06:12 06:42 07:02 07:18 07:38 07:58 08:15 08:35
Brightwell Road

ATCO Code: 2900N1270
Street: Catton Grove Road
Indicator: opp

- - 06:13 06:43 07:03 07:20 07:40 08:00 08:17 08:37

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