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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PH0000132:01010328
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Bristol Airport, Airport Terminal - Bristol Bus Station
Journey Code 0246 0400 0430 0451 0512 0532 0552 0612 0632 0652
Airport Terminal

ATCO Code: 0190NSZ01245
Street: None
Indicator: Stand 1

02:46 04:00 04:30 04:51 05:12 05:32 05:52 06:12 06:32 06:52
Airport Tavern

ATCO Code: 0190NSC31047
Street: A38
Indicator: N-bound

02:49 04:03 04:33 04:54 05:15 05:35 05:55 06:16 06:36 06:56
Fox and Goose

ATCO Code: 0190NSC31040
Street: None
Indicator: NE-bound

02:50 04:04 04:35 04:56 05:17 05:37 05:57 06:18 06:38 06:58
Hobbs Lane

ATCO Code: 0190NSC31036
Street: None
Indicator: NE-bound

02:51 04:05 04:36 04:57 05:18 05:38 05:58 06:18 06:38 06:58
War Memorial

ATCO Code: 0190NSC31037
Street: Bridgwater Road
Indicator: NE-bound

02:51 04:05 04:36 04:57 05:18 05:38 05:58 06:19 06:39 06:59
Dundry Lane

ATCO Code: 0190NSC31013
Street: None
Indicator: NE-bound

02:52 04:06 04:37 04:58 05:19 05:39 05:59 06:20 06:40 07:00
Winford Arms

ATCO Code: 0190NSC31015
Street: None
Indicator: E-bound

02:53 04:07 04:38 04:59 05:20 05:40 06:00 06:20 06:40 07:00
Yanley Lane

ATCO Code: 0190NSC31018
Street: None
Indicator: NE-bound

02:54 04:08 04:39 05:00 05:21 05:41 06:01 06:21 06:41 07:01
The Pavillions

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10367
Street: Bridgwater Road
Indicator: o/s

02:55 04:09 04:40 05:01 05:22 05:42 06:02 06:23 06:43 07:03
Marguerite Road

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10365
Street: Bridgwater Road
Indicator: opp

02:55 04:09 04:41 05:02 05:23 05:43 06:03 06:23 06:43 07:03
Inbound - Bristol Bus Station - Bristol Airport, Airport Terminal
Journey Code 1615 1630 1645 1700 1715 1730 1745 1800 1815 1830
Bus Station

ATCO Code: 01000053214
Street: Bus Station
Indicator: Bay 9

16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30
The Centre

ATCO Code: 0100BRP90373
Street: Colston Avenue
Indicator: C1

16:19 16:34 16:49 17:04 17:18 17:33 17:48 18:03 18:18 18:33
Queen Square

ATCO Code: 0100BRP90355
Street: Prince Street
Indicator: Q1

16:22 16:37 16:52 17:07 17:20 17:35 17:50 18:05 18:20 18:35
Temple Meads Stn

ATCO Code: 0100BRP90312
Street: Station Approach
Indicator: T6

16:28 16:43 16:58 17:13 17:26 17:41 17:56 18:11 18:27 18:42
Redcliffe Way

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10796
Street: Redcliffe Way
Indicator: R4

16:31 16:46 17:01 17:16 17:29 17:44 17:59 18:14 18:29 18:44
Redcliff Hill

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10799
Street: Redcliff Hill
Indicator: R3

16:32 16:47 17:02 17:17 17:31 17:46 18:01 18:16 18:30 18:45
Bedminster Parade

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10065
Street: Bedminster Parade
Indicator: SW-bound

16:34 16:49 17:04 17:19 17:32 17:47 18:02 18:17 18:32 18:47
Dalby Avenue

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10070
Street: Dalby Avenue
Indicator: SW-bound

16:35 16:50 17:05 17:20 17:34 17:49 18:04 18:19 18:33 18:48
West Street

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10073
Street: West Street
Indicator: SW-bound

16:38 16:53 17:08 17:23 17:37 17:52 18:07 18:22 18:36 18:51
Parson Street Stn

ATCO Code: 0100BRA10077
Street: West Street
Indicator: S-bound

16:40 16:55 17:10 17:25 17:39 17:54 18:09 18:24 18:37 18:52

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