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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PH0007007:135
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Heathrow, Central Bus Station - Cippenham, Moreton Way
Journey Code 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Heathrow Central Bus Station

ATCO Code: 4900801620
Street: None
Indicator: Stop 20

03:05 03:35 04:05 04:35 05:05 05:35 06:05 06:38 07:00 07:20
Newport Road

ATCO Code: 490010245N
Indicator: Stop BS

03:07 03:37 04:08 04:37 05:07 05:38 06:08 06:41 07:02 07:23
Bath Road / Newport Road

ATCO Code: 490008014W
Indicator: Stop BT

03:08 03:38 04:08 04:38 05:08 05:38 06:09 06:42 07:04 07:24
Compass Centre

ATCO Code: 490005530W
Street: None
Indicator: Stop BW

03:09 03:39 04:09 04:39 05:09 05:39 06:10 06:43 07:05 07:25
Pinglestone Close

ATCO Code: 490007897W
Indicator: Stop H

03:09 03:39 04:10 04:39 05:10 05:40 06:10 06:44 07:06 07:26
Colnbrook By-Pass

ATCO Code: 490014282T
Street: None
Indicator: Stop T

03:10 03:40 04:11 04:40 05:10 05:41 06:11 06:45 07:07 07:27
Lakeside Road

ATCO Code: 03700169
Street: Colnbrook By-Pass
Indicator: opp

03:13 03:43 04:13 04:43 05:13 05:44 06:15 06:47 07:10 07:30
Sutton Lane

ATCO Code: 03700091
Street: London Road
Indicator: o/s

03:15 03:45 04:15 04:44 05:15 05:46 06:17 06:50 07:12 07:32
The Toby

ATCO Code: 03700086
Street: London Road
Indicator: opp

03:18 03:47 04:18 04:47 05:18 05:49 06:20 06:53 07:16 07:36
Ditton Park Road

ATCO Code: 03700084
Street: London Road
Indicator: nr

03:18 03:48 04:18 04:47 05:18 05:49 06:21 06:54 07:17 07:38
Inbound - Moreton Way - Heathrow, Central Bus Station
Journey Code 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Moreton Way

ATCO Code: 03700010
Street: St Andrews Way
Indicator: N-bound

02:45 03:15 03:39 04:09 04:40 05:10 05:43 06:04 06:14 06:34
Harrison Way

ATCO Code: 03700462
Street: St Andrews Way
Indicator: adj

02:45 03:15 03:45 04:15 04:45 05:14 05:46 06:04 06:19 06:34
Dennis Way

ATCO Code: 03700008
Street: St Andrews Way
Indicator: o/s 56

02:45 03:15 03:45 04:15 04:45 05:15 05:46 06:04 06:20 06:34
St Andrews Way

ATCO Code: 03700356
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: opp

02:47 03:17 03:46 04:16 04:47 05:16 05:48 06:06 06:21 06:36
Everitts Corner

ATCO Code: 03700357
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: E-bound

02:48 03:18 03:48 04:18 04:48 05:17 05:49 06:07 06:22 06:37
Burnham Lane

ATCO Code: 03700358
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: nr

02:48 03:18 03:48 04:18 04:49 05:18 05:50 06:08 06:23 06:38
Dover Road

ATCO Code: 03700251
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: E-bound

02:50 03:20 03:50 04:20 04:50 05:20 05:52 06:10 06:25 06:40
Westgate Retail Park

ATCO Code: 03700252
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: opp

02:51 03:21 03:51 04:21 04:51 05:21 05:53 06:11 06:26 06:42
Leigh Road

ATCO Code: 03700253
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: nr

02:52 03:22 03:52 04:22 04:52 05:21 05:54 06:12 06:27 06:43
Twinches Lane North

ATCO Code: 03700254
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: opp

02:53 03:23 03:53 04:22 04:53 05:22 05:55 06:14 06:29 06:44
Salt Hill Three Tuns

ATCO Code: 03700255
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: E-bound

02:54 03:24 03:54 04:23 04:54 05:24 05:57 06:15 06:30 06:45
Windmill Road

ATCO Code: 03700381
Street: Bath Road
Indicator: adj

02:55 03:25 03:55 04:24 04:55 05:25 05:58 06:16 06:32 06:46
Salt Hill Park

ATCO Code: 03700382
Indicator: adj

02:55 03:25 03:56 04:25 04:56 05:26 05:59 06:17 06:33 06:48
Wellington Street stop W

ATCO Code: 03700337
Street: Wellington Street
Indicator: Stop W

02:57 03:27 03:58 04:27 04:58 05:28 06:00 06:19 06:35 06:50
Wellington Street Stop B

ATCO Code: 03700324
Street: Wellington Street
Indicator: Stop B

02:59 03:29 04:00 04:29 05:01 05:30 06:03 06:21 06:39 06:53
Sorting Office

ATCO Code: 03700311
Street: Wellington Street
Indicator: Stop J

03:00 03:30 04:01 04:31 05:03 05:31 06:05 06:23 06:41 06:55
Uxbridge Road Sainsbury's

ATCO Code: 03700309
Street: Wellington Street
Indicator: adj

03:02 03:32 04:03 04:32 05:04 05:33 06:07 06:25 06:43 06:57
St Bernards Convent

ATCO Code: 03700074
Street: London Road
Indicator: SE-bound

03:03 03:33 04:04 04:33 05:06 05:35 06:08 06:26 06:44 06:58
Kaywood Close

ATCO Code: 03700077
Street: London Road
Indicator: eastbound

03:04 03:34 04:05 04:34 05:07 05:36 06:09 06:27 06:45 06:59
Upton Court Road Junction

ATCO Code: 03700079
Street: London Road
Indicator: E-bound

03:05 03:35 04:05 04:35 05:08 05:37 06:10 06:28 06:46 07:00
Drake Avenue

ATCO Code: 03700081
Street: London Road
Indicator: E-bound

03:05 03:35 04:06 04:36 05:08 05:37 06:10 06:28 06:46 07:01
Cedar Way

ATCO Code: 03700082
Street: London Road
Indicator: opp

03:06 03:36 04:07 04:37 05:09 05:38 06:11 06:29 06:47 07:02
Ditton Park Road

ATCO Code: 03700085
Street: London Road
Indicator: opp

03:07 03:37 04:07 04:38 05:10 05:39 06:12 06:30 06:48 07:02
The Toby

ATCO Code: 03700087
Street: London Road
Indicator: o/s

03:08 03:38 04:09 04:39 05:12 05:41 06:14 06:32 06:50 07:04
Sutton Lane

ATCO Code: 03700089
Street: London Road
Indicator: nr

03:10 03:40 04:11 04:41 05:14 05:43 06:16 06:34 06:52 07:07
Lakeside Road

ATCO Code: 03700480
Street: Colnbrook By Pass
Indicator: nr

03:13 03:43 04:13 04:43 05:17 05:45 06:19 06:37 06:55 07:10
Duke's Bridge

ATCO Code: 490014282E
Indicator: Stop S

03:15 03:45 04:16 04:46 05:20 05:49 06:22 06:40 06:58 07:13
Pinglestone Close

ATCO Code: 490007897E
Indicator: Stop G

03:17 03:47 04:18 04:48 05:21 05:50 06:23 06:42 07:00 07:14
Compass Centre

ATCO Code: 490005530E
Street: None
Indicator: Stop BA

03:17 03:47 04:18 04:49 05:22 05:51 06:24 06:43 07:01 07:15
Newport Road

ATCO Code: 490010245E
Indicator: Stop BB

03:18 03:48 04:19 04:50 05:23 05:52 06:25 06:44 07:02 07:16
Nene Road Roundabout

ATCO Code: 490010174E
Street: None
Indicator: Stop BN

03:20 03:50 04:21 04:51 05:25 05:54 06:27 06:46 07:04 07:18
Heathrow Central Bus Station

ATCO Code: 4900801620
Street: None
Indicator: Stop 20

03:25 03:55 04:27 04:57 05:31 06:00 06:33 06:52 07:10 07:24

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