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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PF1118394:58
Current valid file(s)
Nov. 3, 2024 - No End Date


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Northampton Bus Interchange - Corby George Street
Journey Code 1101 1105 1103 1107 1109 1113 1115 1117 1119 1121
Northampton Bus Interchange

ATCO Code: 300000144N13
Street: Bradshaw Street
Indicator: Bay 13

- 05:25 - 05:45 06:25 07:03 08:03 09:03 09:33 10:03
Abington Square

ATCO Code: 300000144SQ
Street: Abington Square
Indicator: Stop A1

- 05:28 - 05:48 06:28 07:06 08:06 09:06 09:36 10:06
Vernon Walk

ATCO Code: 300000330ST
Street: St Edmunds Street
Indicator: adj

- 05:30 - 05:50 06:30 07:08 08:08 09:08 09:38 10:08
Cliftonville Middle School

ATCO Code: 300000067C
Street: Cliftonville Road
Indicator: o/s

- 05:33 - 05:53 06:33 07:11 08:11 09:11 09:41 10:11
The Old Swan PH

ATCO Code: 305000105B
Street: The Square
Indicator: opp

- 05:44 - 06:04 06:44 07:22 08:22 09:22 09:52 10:22
Manor Road

ATCO Code: 305000105HM
Street: High Street
Indicator: os

- 05:45 - 06:05 06:45 07:23 08:22 09:23 09:52 10:23
prince Street

ATCO Code: 305000105VS
Street: Wellingborough Road
Indicator: os

- 05:45 - 06:05 06:45 07:23 08:23 09:23 09:53 10:23

ATCO Code: 305000105C
Street: Wellingborough Road
Indicator: os

- 05:47 - 06:07 06:47 07:25 08:23 09:25 09:53 10:25
The George PH

ATCO Code: 305000408GE
Street: Main Road
Indicator: op

- 05:51 - 06:11 06:51 07:29 08:26 09:29 09:56 10:29
Wilby Park

ATCO Code: 305000408MR
Street: Main Road
Indicator: os

- 05:52 - 06:12 06:52 07:30 08:26 09:30 09:56 10:30
Wilbye Grange

ATCO Code: 305000387DY
Street: Northampton Road
Indicator: opp

- 05:54 - 06:14 06:54 07:32 08:28 09:32 09:58 10:32
Northampton Road

ATCO Code: 305000387QE
Street: Northampton Road
Indicator: o/s 136

- 05:56 - 06:16 06:56 07:34 08:30 09:34 10:00 10:34
Weavers Road

ATCO Code: 305000443WE
Street: Northampton Road
Indicator: adj

- 05:57 - 06:17 06:57 07:35 08:31 09:35 10:01 10:35
Northampton Road

ATCO Code: 305000443CS
Street: Northampton Road
Indicator: o/s 30

- 05:59 - 06:19 06:59 07:37 08:33 09:37 10:03 10:37

ATCO Code: 305000443OS
Street: Oxford Street
Indicator: opp

- 06:00 - 06:20 07:00 07:38 08:34 09:38 10:04 10:38
Church Street Interchange

ATCO Code: 305000443C4
Street: Church Street
Indicator: Bay D

- 06:02 - 06:22 07:02 07:40 08:36 09:40 10:06 10:40
(Wellingb') Roche Way

ATCO Code: 305000841RH
Street: Harrowden Road
Indicator: adj

- 06:04 - 06:25 07:05 07:43 08:39 09:43 10:09 10:43
(Wellingb') Redhill Grange

ATCO Code: 305000297MR
Street: Wellingborough Road
Indicator: os

- 06:06 - 06:27 07:07 07:45 08:41 09:45 10:11 10:45
Phone Box

ATCO Code: 305000138MR
Street: Kettering Road
Indicator: op

- 06:07 - 06:28 07:08 07:47 08:43 09:47 10:13 10:47
Monk and Minstrel PH

ATCO Code: 305000442M
Street: Kettering Road
Indicator: os

- 06:12 - 06:34 07:14 07:52 08:48 09:52 10:18 10:52
Symmetry Industrial Park

ATCO Code: 3050IS001NW
Street: Kettering Road
Indicator: Before

- 06:13 - 06:35 07:15 07:53 08:49 09:53 10:19 10:53
(Kettering) Venture Park

ATCO Code: 305000434PY
Street: Kettering Road
Indicator: opp

- 06:16 - 06:38 07:18 07:56 08:52 09:56 10:22 10:56
(Kettering) 85 Pytchley Road

ATCO Code: 305000181PR
Street: Pytchley Road
Indicator: opp

- 06:17 - 06:39 07:19 07:57 08:53 09:57 10:23 10:57
(Kettering) Pytchley Road

ATCO Code: 305000181GS
Street: Pytchley Road
Indicator: o/s 32

- 06:18 - 06:40 07:20 07:58 08:54 09:58 10:24 10:58
St Mary's Hospital

ATCO Code: 305000327BH
Street: London Road
Indicator: opp

- 06:23 - 06:45 07:25 08:03 08:59 10:03 10:29 11:03
Police Station

ATCO Code: 305000181LR
Street: London Road
Indicator: o/s

- 06:25 - 06:47 07:27 08:05 09:01 10:05 10:31 11:05
Bus Interchange

ATCO Code: 30500018110
Street: Horse Market
Indicator: Stop 10

- - - - - - - - - -
Bus Interchange

ATCO Code: 30500018110
Street: Horse Market
Indicator: Stop 10

05:18 06:26 05:34 06:48 07:28 08:06 09:02 10:06 10:32 11:06
Newland Centre

ATCO Code: 305000181N5
Street: Newland Street
Indicator: Stop 1

05:21 06:29 05:37 06:52 07:32 08:10 09:06 10:10 10:36 11:10
Newland Centre

ATCO Code: 305000181N5
Street: Newland Street
Indicator: Stop 1

05:21 06:29 05:37 06:52 07:32 08:10 09:06 10:10 10:36 11:10
Dryden Street

ATCO Code: 305000181SB
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: adj

05:22 06:30 05:38 06:53 07:33 08:11 09:07 10:11 10:37 11:11
Charles Street

ATCO Code: 305000181HA
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: opp

05:25 06:33 05:41 06:56 07:36 08:14 09:10 10:14 10:40 11:14
Satra House

ATCO Code: 305000452N
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: o/s

05:26 06:34 05:42 06:57 07:37 08:15 09:11 10:15 10:41 11:15
Furnace Lane

ATCO Code: 305000589FL
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: adj

05:27 06:35 05:43 06:58 07:38 08:16 09:12 10:16 10:42 11:16
Rockingham Paddocks

ATCO Code: 305000589TP
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: opp

05:27 06:35 05:43 06:58 07:38 08:16 09:12 10:16 10:42 11:16
North Business Park

ATCO Code: 305000589KB
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: NW-bound

05:28 06:36 05:44 06:59 07:39 08:17 09:13 10:17 10:43 11:17
Storefield Cottages

ATCO Code: 305000997ST
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: opp

05:32 06:40 05:48 07:03 07:43 08:21 09:17 10:21 10:47 11:21
Colyers Avenue

ATCO Code: 305000089D
Street: Danesholme Road
Indicator: opp

05:38 06:46 05:54 07:09 07:49 08:27 09:23 10:27 10:53 11:27
Kingswood School

ATCO Code: 305000075KI
Street: Gainsborough Road
Indicator: o/s

05:40 06:48 05:56 07:11 07:51 08:29 09:25 10:29 10:55 11:29
Glyndebourne Gardens

ATCO Code: 305000075GG
Street: Gainsborough Road
Indicator: adj

05:41 06:49 05:57 07:12 07:52 08:30 09:26 10:30 10:56 11:30
Greenhill Rise

ATCO Code: 305000422GR
Street: Gainsborough Road
Indicator: adj

05:42 06:50 05:58 07:13 07:53 08:31 09:27 10:31 10:57 11:31
(Corby) George Street Stop A

ATCO Code: 305000075GS
Street: George Street
Indicator: Stop A

- - 06:03 - - 08:36 - 10:36 - 11:36
(Corby) George Street Stop G

ATCO Code: 305000574OB
Street: George Street
Indicator: Stop G

05:47 06:55 - 07:18 07:58 - 09:32 - 11:02 -
Inbound - Corby George Street - Northampton Bus Interchange
Journey Code 1102 1104 1106 1108 1110 1112 1114 1116 1118 1120
(Corby) George Street Stop A

ATCO Code: 305000075GS
Street: George Street
Indicator: Stop A

04:50 05:20 06:10 06:43 07:20 08:02 08:38 09:18 09:48 10:18

ATCO Code: 305000422G
Street: Gainsborough Road
Indicator: adj

04:53 05:23 06:13 06:46 07:25 08:05 08:41 09:21 09:51 10:21
Glyndebourne Gardens

ATCO Code: 305000075GC
Street: Gainsborough Road
Indicator: opp

04:54 05:24 06:14 06:47 07:26 08:06 08:42 09:22 09:52 10:22
Kingswood School

ATCO Code: 305000075K
Street: Gainsborough Road
Indicator: opp

04:55 05:25 06:15 06:48 07:28 08:07 08:43 09:23 09:53 10:23
Colyers Avenue

ATCO Code: 305000089DA
Street: Danesholme Road
Indicator: adj

04:57 05:27 06:17 06:50 07:30 08:09 08:45 09:25 09:55 10:25
(Gt Oakley) Storefield Cottages

ATCO Code: 305000997SC
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: o/s

05:01 05:31 06:21 06:54 07:37 08:13 08:49 09:29 09:59 10:29
North Business Park

ATCO Code: 305000589KP
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: SE-bound

05:04 05:34 06:24 06:57 07:41 08:16 08:52 09:32 10:02 10:32
Rockingham Paddocks

ATCO Code: 305000589PA
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: adj

05:05 05:35 06:25 06:58 07:43 08:17 08:53 09:33 10:03 10:33
Furnace Lane

ATCO Code: 305000589RR
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: opp

05:06 05:36 06:26 06:59 07:43 08:18 08:54 09:34 10:04 10:34
Satra House

ATCO Code: 305000589N
Street: Rockingham Road
Indicator: near

05:06 05:36 06:26 06:59 07:44 08:18 08:54 09:34 10:04 10:34

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