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Arriva UK Bus_Wellington_Oswestry_20220604_4

Overview of the available bus open data

Name Arriva UK Bus_Wellington_Oswestry_20220604_4
Data type Timetables data
Data set ID 9509
Description Routes and timetables for Arriva West Midlands (AMNO) services
Arriva UK Bus Access all data uploaded by this publisher
TransXChange version 2.4
Data quality report

Data Quality Report

Beyond the usual validation check for the TransXChange 2.4 v1.1 PTI, BODS does additional checks to ascertain the quality of the data and assigns a subsequent score to the data set. More information on the data quality checks can be found here.

Data quality 90% RED
View data quality report
Last updated 30 Sep 2022 12:23 View change log

Review Service Numbers



X7 - PD0000478:61

X5 - PD0000478:61

4A - PD0000478:418

53 - PD0000478:248

14 - PD0000478:423

19 - PD0000478:427

18 - PD0000478:426

IPR - PD0000478:999

5E - PD0000478:419

895 - PD0000478:384

894 - PD0000478:384

X65 - PD0000478:442

65 - PD0000478:453

576 - PD0000478:454

511 - PD0000478:457

405 - PD0000478:64

436 - PD0000478:467

297 - PD0000478:242

37 - PD0000478:481

26 - PD0000478:265

23 - PD0000478:267

12 - PD0000478:267

3A - PD0000478:117

2 - PD0000478:267

2 - PD0000478:28

2 - PD0000478:101

2 - PD0000478:417

GRN - PD0000478:280

PNK - PD0000478:278

BLU - PD0000478:279

7A - PD0000478:100

116 - PD0000478:272

115 - PD0000478:272

114 - PD0000478:272

113 - PD0000478:272

8 - PD0000478:468

8 - PD0000478:11

7 - PD0000478:100

7 - PD0000478:420

64 - PD0000478:62

5 - PD0000478:108

5 - PD0000478:419

4 - PD0000478:418

4 - PD0000478:96

3 - PD0000478:101

3 - PD0000478:417

449 - PD0000478:246

79A - PD0000478:477

71 - PD0000478:477

54 - PD0000478:469

16 - PD0000478:425

15 - PD0000478:424

13 - PD0000478:446

11A - PD0000478:447

5A - PD0000478:419

1 - PD0000478:268

1 - PD0000478:417

786 - PD0000478:428

785 - PD0000478:428

740 - PD0000478:237

738 - PD0000478:237

546 - PD0000478:264

544 - PD0000478:264

524 - PD0000478:26

20 - PD0000478:266

101 - PD0000478:471

519 - PD0000478:26

27 - PD0000478:265

25 - PD0000478:265

24 - PD0000478:265

17 - PD0000478:61

11 - PD0000478:447

11 - PD0000478:268

9 - PD0000478:422

19A - PD0000478:427

14A - PD0000478:423

6 - PD0000478:419

765 - PD0000478:442

7E - PD0000478:100

17A - PD0000478:61

110 - PD0000478:16

2C - PD0000478:28

2A - PD0000478:28

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