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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0002404:2
Current valid file(s)
Nov. 3, 2024 - No End Date


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Chapel House Hillhead Parkway-Terminus - North Kenton Delamere Road
Journey Code 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Hillhead Parkway-Terminus

ATCO Code: 410000007142
Street: Hillhead Parkway
Indicator: E-Bound

05:46 06:01 06:14 06:40 06:58 07:21 07:53 08:18 08:43 09:01
Hillhead Parkway-Elston Close

ATCO Code: 410000007143
Street: Hillhead Parkway
Indicator: S-Bound

05:47 06:02 06:15 06:41 06:59 07:22 07:54 08:19 08:44 09:02
Hillhead Parkway-Hillhead Road

ATCO Code: 410000007144
Street: Hillhead Parkway
Indicator: E-Bound

05:48 06:03 06:16 06:42 07:00 07:23 07:55 08:20 08:45 09:03
West Denton Way-Fire Station

ATCO Code: 410000007189
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: E-Bound

05:49 06:04 06:17 06:44 07:02 07:25 07:57 08:22 08:47 09:05
West Denton Way - Shops

ATCO Code: 410000007145
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: E-Bound

05:50 06:05 06:18 06:45 07:03 07:26 07:58 08:23 08:48 09:06
West Denton Way-Social Club

ATCO Code: 410000007146
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: E-Bound

05:51 06:06 06:19 06:46 07:04 07:27 07:59 08:24 08:49 09:07
West Denton Way-Northumbria Walk

ATCO Code: 410000008451
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: E-Bound

05:51 06:06 06:19 06:46 07:04 07:27 07:59 08:24 08:49 09:08
West Denton Way-Gofton Walk

ATCO Code: 410000008452
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: NE-Bound

05:53 06:08 06:21 06:48 07:06 07:29 08:01 08:26 08:51 09:10
Stamfordham Road-Western By Pass

ATCO Code: 410000008098
Street: Stamfordham Road
Indicator: SE-Bound

05:53 06:08 06:21 06:48 07:06 07:29 08:01 08:26 08:51 09:10
Stamfordham Road-Footbridge

ATCO Code: 410000008099
Street: Stamfordham Road
Indicator: SE-Bound

05:54 06:09 06:22 06:49 07:07 07:30 08:02 08:27 08:52 09:12
Inbound - North Kenton Delamere Road - Chapel House Hillhead Parkway-Terminus
Journey Code 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Delamere Road

ATCO Code: 410000008408
Street: Delamere Road
Indicator: S-Bound

06:00 06:33 06:55 07:15 07:35 07:55 08:25 08:55 09:15 09:35
Hillsview Avenue-Newlyn Road

ATCO Code: 410000008409
Street: Hillsview Avenue
Indicator: W-Bound

06:01 06:34 06:57 07:16 07:36 07:56 08:26 08:56 09:16 09:36
Hillsview Avenue-Shandon Way

ATCO Code: 410000008410
Street: Hillsview Ave
Indicator: S-Bound

06:01 06:34 06:57 07:17 07:37 07:57 08:27 08:57 09:17 09:37
Hillsview Avenue-Bradwell Road

ATCO Code: 410000008411
Street: Hillsview Avenue
Indicator: S-Bound

06:02 06:35 06:58 07:18 07:38 07:58 08:28 08:58 09:18 09:38
Kenton Shops

ATCO Code: 410000008412
Street: Halewood Avenue
Indicator: S-Bound

06:03 06:36 07:00 07:19 07:39 07:59 08:29 08:59 09:19 09:39
Kenton Lane-Westwood Gardens

ATCO Code: 410000008329
Street: Kenton Lane
Indicator: E-Bound

06:04 06:37 07:01 07:20 07:40 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:20 09:40
Kenton Lane-Purley Gardens

ATCO Code: 410000008330
Street: Kenton Lane
Indicator: E-Bound

06:06 06:39 07:03 07:23 07:42 08:02 08:32 09:02 09:22 09:42
Kenton Park Shops

ATCO Code: 410000008331
Street: Kenton Road
Indicator: S-Bound

06:06 06:39 07:03 07:23 07:43 08:03 08:33 09:03 09:23 09:43
Kenton Road-Salters Road

ATCO Code: 410000008376
Street: Kenton Road
Indicator: S-Bound

06:06 06:39 07:03 07:23 07:43 08:03 08:33 09:03 09:23 09:43
Kenton Road-Northumberland Avenue

ATCO Code: 410000008377
Street: Kenton Road
Indicator: SE-Bound

06:07 06:40 07:04 07:24 07:44 08:04 08:34 09:04 09:24 09:44
Kenton Road-Elmfield Road

ATCO Code: 410000008378
Street: Kenton Road
Indicator: S-Bound

06:07 06:40 07:04 07:24 07:44 08:04 08:34 09:04 09:24 09:44
Kenton Road-Montagu Avenue

ATCO Code: 410000008379
Street: Kenton Road
Indicator: S-Bound

06:08 06:41 07:06 07:25 07:45 08:05 08:35 09:05 09:25 09:45
Claremont Rd-Claremont Pl

ATCO Code: 410000008929
Street: Claremont Road
Indicator: F

06:11 06:44 07:09 07:29 07:49 08:09 08:39 09:09 09:29 09:49
Claremont Road-Museum

ATCO Code: 41000008NC01
Street: B1318
Indicator: D

06:12 06:45 07:11 07:30 07:50 08:10 08:40 09:10 09:30 09:50
Haymarket Barras Bridge

ATCO Code: 41000008NC05
Street: Barras Bridge
Indicator: S-Bound

06:14 06:47 07:13 07:33 07:52 08:12 08:42 09:12 09:32 09:52
Haymarket John Dobson Street

ATCO Code: 4100008NC105
Street: John Dobson Street
Indicator: S-Bound

06:15 06:48 07:14 07:34 07:54 08:14 08:44 09:14 09:34 09:54
Monument Market Street

ATCO Code: 41000008NC48
Street: Market Street
Indicator: Z

06:18 06:51 07:17 07:37 08:02 08:22 08:52 09:17 09:37 09:57
Grainger Street Stop 55

ATCO Code: 41000008NC55
Street: Grainger Street
Indicator: SW-Bound

06:20 06:53 07:20 07:40 08:05 08:25 08:55 09:20 09:40 10:00
Central Stn Neville St

ATCO Code: 41000008NC95
Street: A186
Indicator: A

06:22 06:55 07:22 07:42 08:07 08:27 08:57 09:22 09:42 10:02
Westgate Road-Westgate Hill

ATCO Code: 4100008NC102
Street: Westgate Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:24 06:57 07:24 07:45 08:10 08:30 09:00 09:25 09:45 10:05
Westgate Road-Tindal Street

ATCO Code: 410000014501
Street: Westgate Road
Indicator: NW-Bound

06:26 06:59 07:26 07:47 08:12 08:32 09:02 09:27 09:47 10:07
Westgate Road-Elswick Street

ATCO Code: 410000014503
Street: Westgate Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:26 06:59 07:26 07:47 08:12 08:32 09:02 09:27 09:47 10:07
Westgate Road-Gloucester Road

ATCO Code: 410000014505
Street: Westgate Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:27 07:00 07:27 07:49 08:14 08:34 09:04 09:29 09:49 10:09
Westgate Road-Dilston Road

ATCO Code: 410000014507
Street: Westgate Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:27 07:00 07:27 07:49 08:14 08:34 09:04 09:29 09:49 10:09
Newcastle CAV Campus

ATCO Code: 410000014509
Street: Westgate Road
Indicator: B

06:28 07:01 07:28 07:50 08:15 08:35 09:05 09:30 09:50 10:10
West Road-The Plaza

ATCO Code: 410000014513
Street: West Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:29 07:02 07:29 07:52 08:17 08:37 09:07 09:32 09:52 10:12
West Road-Colston Street

ATCO Code: 410000014517
Street: West Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:30 07:03 07:30 07:53 08:18 08:38 09:08 09:33 09:53 10:13
West Road-College

ATCO Code: 410000014519
Street: West Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:30 07:03 07:30 07:54 08:19 08:39 09:09 09:34 09:54 10:14
West Road-Tillmouth Gardens

ATCO Code: 410000014521
Street: West Road
Indicator: W-Bound

06:31 07:04 07:32 07:55 08:20 08:40 09:10 09:35 09:55 10:15
West Road-Fox And Hounds

ATCO Code: 410000014522
Street: Westacres Crescent
Indicator: W-Bound

06:32 07:05 07:33 07:56 08:21 08:41 09:11 09:36 09:56 10:16
Newcastle Crematorium

ATCO Code: 410000008047
Street: West Road
Indicator: NW-Bound

06:33 07:06 07:34 07:57 08:22 08:42 09:12 09:37 09:57 10:17
West Road-Brignall Gardens

ATCO Code: 410000008046
Street: West Road
Indicator: NW-Bound

06:34 07:07 07:35 07:58 08:23 08:43 09:13 09:38 09:58 10:18
Slatyford Lane

ATCO Code: 410000008275
Street: Slatyford Lane
Indicator: NE-Bound

06:35 07:08 07:36 07:59 08:24 08:44 09:14 09:39 09:59 10:19
Slatyford Lane-Haydon Place

ATCO Code: 410000008276
Street: Slatyford Lane
Indicator: E-Bound

06:36 07:09 07:37 08:00 08:25 08:45 09:15 09:40 10:00 10:20
Slatyford Lane-Pooley Road

ATCO Code: 410000008277
Street: Slatyford Lane
Indicator: E-Bound

06:37 07:10 07:38 08:01 08:26 08:46 09:16 09:41 10:01 10:21
Pooley Road-Wasdale Road

ATCO Code: 410000008278
Street: Pooley Road
Indicator: N-Bound

06:37 07:10 07:38 08:01 08:26 08:46 09:16 09:41 10:01 10:21
Pooley Road-Thirlmere Way

ATCO Code: 410000008279
Street: Pooley Road
Indicator: NE-Bound

06:38 07:11 07:39 08:02 08:27 08:47 09:17 09:42 10:02 10:22
Pooley Road

ATCO Code: 410000008280
Street: Pooley Road
Indicator: N-Bound

06:39 07:12 07:40 08:03 08:28 08:48 09:18 09:43 10:03 10:23
Stamfordham Road-Western By Pass

ATCO Code: 410000008092
Street: Stamfordham Road
Indicator: NW-Bound

06:40 07:13 07:42 08:05 08:29 08:49 09:19 09:44 10:04 10:24
West Denton Way-Fenton Walk

ATCO Code: 410000008456
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: S-Bound

06:41 07:14 07:43 08:06 08:31 08:51 09:21 09:46 10:06 10:26
West Denton Way-Northumbria Walk

ATCO Code: 410000007187
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: W-Bound

06:42 07:15 07:45 08:08 08:32 08:52 09:22 09:47 10:07 10:27
West Denton Way-Social Club

ATCO Code: 410000007138
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: W-Bound

06:42 07:15 07:45 08:08 08:33 08:53 09:23 09:48 10:08 10:28
West Denton Way - Shops

ATCO Code: 410000007139
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: W-Bound

06:43 07:16 07:46 08:09 08:34 08:54 09:24 09:49 10:09 10:29
West Denton Way-Fire Station

ATCO Code: 410000007190
Street: West Denton Way
Indicator: W-Bound

06:44 07:17 07:47 08:10 08:35 08:55 09:25 09:50 10:10 10:30
Hillhead Parkway-Ainsdale Gardens

ATCO Code: 410000007140
Street: Hillhead Parkway
Indicator: W-Bound

06:45 07:18 07:48 08:11 08:36 08:56 09:26 09:51 10:11 10:31
Hillhead Parkway

ATCO Code: 410000007141
Street: Hillhead Parkway
Indicator: N-Bound

06:45 07:18 07:48 08:12 08:37 08:57 09:27 09:52 10:12 10:32
Hillhead Parkway-Terminus

ATCO Code: 410000007142
Street: Hillhead Parkway
Indicator: E-Bound

06:46 07:19 07:49 08:13 08:38 08:58 09:28 09:53 10:13 10:33

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