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Overview of the available bus open data

Type of service Standard
Registration Number PB0002307:229
Current valid file(s) N/A


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For example: 21/11/2014 calendar-icon
Outbound - Doncaster Intc - Bessacarr Lane
Journey Code 0742 0839 0919 1009 1104 1204 1255 1355 1445 1535
Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange/A3

ATCO Code: 370010240
Street: Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange
Indicator: A3

07:42 08:39 09:19 10:09 11:04 12:04 12:55 13:55 14:45 15:35
Waterdale/Wood Street

ATCO Code: 370041001
Street: Waterdale
Indicator: at

07:44 08:41 09:21 10:11 11:06 12:06 12:57 13:57 14:47 15:37
Chequer Road/Apley Road

ATCO Code: 370046645
Street: Chequer Road
Indicator: opp

07:45 08:42 09:22 10:12 11:07 12:07 12:58 13:58 14:48 15:38
Carr House Road/Chequer Road

ATCO Code: 370041009
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: adj

07:46 08:43 09:23 10:13 11:08 12:09 12:59 13:59 14:49 15:39
Carr House Road/Roman Road

ATCO Code: 370040999
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: nr

07:46 08:44 09:24 10:14 11:09 12:09 13:00 14:00 14:50 15:40
Carr House Road/Danum Road

ATCO Code: 370040718
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: adj

07:47 08:44 09:24 10:14 11:09 12:10 13:00 14:00 14:50 15:41
Carr House Road/Sandbeck Road

ATCO Code: 370040719
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: opp

07:47 08:44 09:24 10:14 11:10 12:10 13:01 14:01 14:51 15:41
Carr House Road/St. Helens Road

ATCO Code: 370045447
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: opp

07:47 08:45 09:24 10:15 11:10 12:10 13:01 14:01 14:51 15:41
Bawtry Road/Leger Way

ATCO Code: 370045449
Street: Bawtry Road
Indicator: nr

07:49 08:46 09:25 10:16 11:11 12:12 13:02 14:02 14:52 15:43
Belle Vue Way/Bawtry Road

ATCO Code: 370046465
Street: Belle Vue Way
Indicator: adj

07:50 08:47 09:26 10:17 11:12 12:13 13:03 14:03 14:53 15:44
Inbound - Bessacarr Lane - Doncaster Intc
Journey Code 0645 0715 0806 0903 0943 1034 1129 1230 1320 1419
Stoops Lane/Bessacarr Lane

ATCO Code: 370040413
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:45 07:15 08:06 09:03 09:43 10:34 11:29 12:30 13:20 14:19
Stoops Lane/Lindsey Close

ATCO Code: 370040439
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:45 07:15 08:06 09:03 09:43 10:34 11:29 12:30 13:20 14:19
Stoops Lane/Roxby Close

ATCO Code: 370045683
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:45 07:15 08:06 09:03 09:43 10:34 11:29 12:30 13:20 14:19
Stoops Lane/Howden Close

ATCO Code: 370040908
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:46 07:16 08:07 09:04 09:44 10:35 11:30 12:31 13:21 14:20
Stoops Lane/Whitton Close

ATCO Code: 370045684
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:47 07:17 08:07 09:04 09:44 10:35 11:30 12:31 13:21 14:20
Stoops Lane/Clayworth Drive

ATCO Code: 370040447
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:47 07:17 08:08 09:05 09:45 10:36 11:31 12:32 13:22 14:21
Stoops Lane/Burnham Close

ATCO Code: 370045685
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:48 07:18 08:09 09:06 09:46 10:36 11:31 12:32 13:22 14:21
Stoops Lane/Bahram Road

ATCO Code: 370040667
Street: Stoops Lane
Indicator: adj

06:49 07:19 08:09 09:06 09:46 10:37 11:32 12:33 13:23 14:22
Ellers Road/Ellers Drive

ATCO Code: 370040440
Street: Ellers Road
Indicator: opp

06:49 07:19 08:10 09:07 09:47 10:38 11:33 12:34 13:23 14:22
Ellers Road/Ellers Avenue

ATCO Code: 370040442
Street: Ellers Road
Indicator: opp

06:50 07:20 08:10 09:07 09:47 10:38 11:33 12:34 13:24 14:23
Bawtry Road/Saxton Avenue

ATCO Code: 370040436
Street: Bawtry Road
Indicator: adj

06:50 07:20 08:11 09:08 09:48 10:39 11:34 12:35 13:25 14:24
Bawtry Road/St Augustines Road

ATCO Code: 370040434
Street: Bawtry Road
Indicator: adj

06:51 07:21 08:12 09:09 09:49 10:40 11:35 12:35 13:25 14:24
Booth Avenue/The Dome

ATCO Code: 370046463
Street: Booth Avenue
Indicator: adj

06:52 07:22 08:13 09:10 09:50 10:41 11:35 12:36 13:26 14:25
Booth Avenue/Gliwice Way

ATCO Code: 370046461
Street: Booth Avenue
Indicator: adj

06:53 07:23 08:14 09:10 09:50 10:41 11:36 12:37 13:27 14:26
Belle Vue Way/Bawtry Road

ATCO Code: 370046464
Street: Belle Vue Way
Indicator: opp

06:54 07:24 08:15 09:11 09:51 10:42 11:37 12:38 13:28 14:27
Carr House Road/Belle Vue Avenue

ATCO Code: 370045448
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: adj

06:55 07:25 08:16 09:13 09:53 10:44 11:38 12:39 13:29 14:28
Carr House Road/Thoresby Avenue

ATCO Code: 370040720
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: opp

06:56 07:26 08:17 09:13 09:53 10:44 11:39 12:40 13:30 14:29
Carr House Road/Stockil Road

ATCO Code: 370045441
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: adj

06:57 07:27 08:18 09:14 09:54 10:45 11:40 12:41 13:31 14:30
Carr House Road/Childers Street

ATCO Code: 370045631
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: adj

06:58 07:28 08:19 09:15 09:55 10:46 11:41 12:42 13:32 14:30
Carr House Road/North Street

ATCO Code: 370045176
Street: Carr House Road
Indicator: adj

06:58 07:28 08:19 09:16 09:56 10:47 11:41 12:42 13:32 14:31
Trafford Way/Bentinck Close

ATCO Code: 370045175
Street: Trafford Way
Indicator: nr

07:01 07:31 08:22 09:18 09:58 10:49 11:44 12:45 13:35 14:33
Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange/B4

ATCO Code: 370010253
Street: Doncaster Frenchgate Interchange
Indicator: B4

07:04 07:34 08:26 09:21 10:01 10:52 11:47 12:48 13:38 14:36

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